Daily Mail

Badger culls to end and be replaced by TB jabs

Move angers farmers who have lost whole herds

- By Richard Marsden and Ryan Hooper

CULLING badgers to prevent tuberculos­is spreading among cattle will end within five years, ministers said yesterday.

Instead of being shot in their thousands, badgers will now be vaccinated instead – a move likely to enrage farmers.

The badger cull formed a central pillar of the previous Government’s efforts to reduce TB in cattle.

But the Labour administra­tion said it would stop the cull by 2029, carry out a census of badgers and develop vaccines for badgers and cattle.

TB is often passed by close contact between infected and non-infected animals, including cattle themselves.

More than 278,000 cattle have been compulsori­ly slaughtere­d and 230,000 badgers have been killed in efforts to control the disease since culling began in 2013. The process is thought to cost taxpayers more than £100million every year.

Tom Bradshaw, president of the National Farmers’ Union said last night: ‘This terrible disease continues to plague farmers and their livestock. While significan­t elements of the Government’s proposed TB strategy are still being researched and not yet deployable, they must not overlook the contributi­on of the successful disease control model. Scientific papers show that targeted badger culling provides success.’

In February, a major study found that after four years of culling ‘the herd incidence rate of TB reduced by 56 per cent’, prompting Countrysid­e Alliance chief executive Tim Bonner to say: ‘Put simply, culling has worked.’

however, campaigner­s including Queen guitarist Brian May and broadcaste­r Chris Packham have called for an end to the cull, which has devastated badger population­s in the Midlands, the West and the South West.

Ministers claim vaccinatio­n will create progressiv­ely healthier badger population­s.

Rural affairs minister Daniel Zeichner said: ‘Bovine tuberculos­is has devastated farmers and wildlife for too long. It has placed dreadful hardship on farmers and has taken a terrible toll on our badger population­s. No more.’

But Peter hambly, of the Badger Trust, said the announceme­nt focused ‘too much on badgers rather than cattle, when cattle are the main spreaders of this cattle disease’. he added: ‘It admits the Government doesn’t know how many badgers are left. They haven’t counted them and haven’t tested them but continue to slaughter them.’

 ?? ?? Badgers’ champion: Queen star Brian May campaigns against culling outside Parliament
Badgers’ champion: Queen star Brian May campaigns against culling outside Parliament

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