Daily Mail

Moderate voices drowned out by thuggery


I AM fuming. So much good work seems to have been undone by thugs. Many thousands who, like me, had never been on a demonstrat­ion before did so on July 27 in London. Our gathering, opposing the erosion of British culture, was also attended by Afro-Caribbeans, Hindus, Sikhs and many Eastern Europeans, mingling in harmony. One thing we all found alarming was the illegal mass influx of young males in recent years.

I know most people here don’t have a problem with migrants per se. How can you argue against hardworkin­g Hindus and Poles or gentle Filipino nurses? Now I doubt another such peaceful gathering will happen because all those concerned about immigratio­n patterns are labelled ‘Far Right’. Why won’t our politician­s listen to those who are normally quiet?

tOnY thOMPsOn, Banbury, Oxon THE minority who threw bricks, set fire to vehicles and attacked police have now ensured that rational, entirely legitimate concerns about mass immigratio­n and illegal Channel crossings held by the law-abiding majority who don’t throw bricks, set fire to vehicles or attack police will be further ignored.

stefan BadhaM, Portsmouth, hants I WOULD be happy to join an antiracism march. I would be happy to join a patriotic march. I also think that immigratio­n into the UK is far too high and has been for a very long time. Is it possible that this represents the views of the majority?

G. Matthews, Lancaster I AGREE entirely with Robert Jenrick about ‘Allahu Akbar’. I gather this can convey a peaceful message but so can the St George’s flag. If one is considered inflammato­ry, so must the other be.

christine JaMes, costa del sol READING about all the thuggery on our streets, as well as the tearing apart of British culture and ideals in order to pander to illegal migrants, does at least have one small silver lining for me. As I have a terminal illness, I won’t be around long enough to witness the complete collapse of British civilisati­on.

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