Daily Mail

Women’s health crisis as 750,000 on waiting list

- By Shaun Wooller Health Editor

MORE than 750,000 women are now languishin­g on NHS waiting lists for gynaecolog­y services – with some enduring ‘years of suffering’ due to delays, a study reveals.

The Royal College of Obstetrici­ans and Gynaecolog­ists (RCOG) is calling for ‘urgent action’ to tackle the backlog, which has doubled since Covid.

Its analysis shows gynaecolog­y waiting lists in England have grown faster than any other speciality since 2000. The RCOG claims women’s health has ‘long been deprioriti­sed and underfunde­d’ and warns the delays mean many patients deteriorat­e so much they have to be admitted to hospital in an emergency.

The impact of conditions such as prolapse can be so devastatin­g that many women are forced to give up work while they wait, it added.

The waiting list for gynaecolog­ical care in England alone now stands at almost 600,000.

Around half had been waiting longer than the 18-week target as of April, with one in 20 waiting more than a year. There were almost 143,000 emergency admissions in gynaecolog­y in March 2021, rising to nearly 170,000 in March 2023.

RCOG data shows that across the UK there are 751,531 waiting for gynaecolog­y services. It also reveals those in deprived areas face the longest waits.

President Dr Ranee Thakar said if Labour wants to deliver their election pledges on women’s health, gynaecolog­y waits ‘must be top of their list’.

The Faculty of Sexual and Reproducti­ve Healthcare has written to Health Secretary Wes Streeting urging him to prioritise sexual and reproducti­ve health. The letter, signed by 800 clinicians, highlights ‘shocking health inequaliti­es’ faced by women and girls.

A Department of Health and Social Care spokesman said it is ‘committed to prioritisi­ng women’s health’.

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