Daily Mail

UK under fire for restoring funds to UN ‘Hamas front’ Gaza agency

How the shooter told his dad he wanted to borrow his AR-15 rifle to do some target practice. The moment security guards found a rangefinde­r in his pocket but let him through. The couple who spotted him minutes before he fired – and hid behind a tree...

- By Jason Groves Political Editor

FOrEIGN Secretary David Lammy triggered a backlash last night after restoring funding to a controvers­ial UN agency branded a ‘Hamas front’.

Mr Lammy told MPs the UN relief and Works agency for Palestine (UNrWa), the main aid agency operating in Gaza, was vital to alleviatin­g the ‘catastroph­e’ there.

He said he was resuming funding to the agency, with an immediate cash injection of £21million to help it continue its ‘lifesaving work’.

Funding was suspended in January after Israel claimed a dozen UNrWa staff had taken part in the October 7 massacres, and that hundreds more were supporters of Hamas and other terror groups.

Mr Lammy said he was satisfied the UN had ‘acted’ on the claims and that the agency now met the ‘highest standards of neutrality’.

The move was welcomed by Labour MPs, who have been pushing ministers to take a tougher line on Israel.

In comments that risk further antagonisi­ng Israel, Mr Lammy also suggested the country’s troops should leave Gaza, telling MPs: ‘Hamas cannot remain in charge of Gaza. But equally, the Israel Defence Forces cannot remain situated in Gaza. There has to be a new paradigm.’

But former Israeli government spokesman Eylon Levy described the move as ‘shameful’, writing on X: ‘UNrWa is a Hamas front. It lets terrorists operate out of its schools and offices with impunity. It covers up Hamas’s theft of aid. Its employees took part in the October 7 massacre.

‘Our allies are funding our killers with their taxpayers’ money.’ The Board of Deputies of British Jews said funding must face ‘much stricter oversight’ given the allegation­s against the UN agency and ‘longstandi­ng concerns about anti-Semitism and incitement to violence’ in schools it operates.

Former Tory party chairman richard Holden also condemned the move and asked Mr Lammy to give taxpayers an ‘unequivoca­l assurance’ that the agency had no links to Hamas.

He said: ‘I am concerned by the Government’s decision to resume funding to UNrWa. Its schools have been repeatedly used by terrorists both to store weapons and to launch attacks, and over 100 UNrWa staff have had links to terrorist groups in the region.’

Mr Lammy said he was ‘reassured’ an independen­t review by his French counterpar­t Catherine Colonna had found the ‘UNrWa is ensuring they meet the highest standards of neutrality and strengthen­ing its procedures’.

It comes as the UN’s Internatio­nal Court of Justice ruled yesterday that Israel’s presence in the Palestinia­n occupied territorie­s was unlawful. Its non-binding legal opinion said it should be ended as ‘rapidly as possible’.

SEVEN days ago a gunman’s bullet came within millimetre­s of killing Donald Trump, who told his followers on Thursday: ‘I shouldn’t be here. I had God on my side.’ As debate rages about the assassin’s motive and the mistakes made by those in charge of the former president’s security, JONATHAN MAYO gives a gripping minute-by-minute account of the day a peaceful election rally turned to bloodshed . . .


AT the Butler Farm Show Grounds in Pennsylvan­ia, 30 miles north of Pittsburgh, final touches are being made to lighting rigs, grandstand seating and yards of red, white and blue bunting.

Normally the 100-acre Show Grounds are used for agricultur­al fairs and tractor exhibition­s but, today, former US president Donald Trump will be holding an election rally.

The ex-president is popular here – in 2016 and 2020, he won Butler County both times with 65 per cent of the vote.

The organisers say that since the rally was announced ten days ago more than 15,000 tickets have been sold.


A LONG-HAIRED 20-year-old man named Thomas Matthew Crooks arrives at the Show Grounds. In May, he graduated from Allegheny County Community College with a degree in engineerin­g but is currently working in the kitchen of a local care home.

A few days ago, Crooks asked his boss if he could have Saturday off as he had ‘something to do’.

Crooks is wearing a T-shirt with the name of a YouTube channel for firearms enthusiast­s called Demolition Ranch on the front, which features videos such as ‘Is the AK-50 any good?’

Earlier this morning, Crooks drove 35 miles from his home in Bethel Park on the outskirts of Pittsburgh where he lives with his parents and older sister, to reconnoitr­e the Show Grounds, stopping to buy a 5ft ladder and 50 rounds of ammunition. After hanging around for an hour, Crooks drives away.

Later he intends to return and assassinat­e Donald Trump.


US Secret Service and local law enforcemen­t take up their positions. Three days ago, they made a security assessment of the area and decided where their officers and agents should be deployed.

Behind the stage are three large barns where Secret Service sniper teams will keep watch on the crowd, backed up by state troopers in the grass arena.

Outside the Show Grounds’ perimeter and about 400ft to the left of the stage is a large factory owned by a firm named AGR Internatio­nal but, as it has a sloping roof, it was decided that it is too much of a health and safety risk for police snipers, so officers will be stationed inside the building instead.

Details of the precise location of the stage from which Donald

Trump will speak this afternoon have not been made public as such informatio­n could be useful to any potential assassin.

The Secret Service is proud of the fact that no president under their care has been injured since shots were fired at Ronald Reagan in March 1981.


THE gates to the Show Grounds are opened to the public and everyone entering is scanned for weapons by metal detectors. Thomas Crooks has parked his car at a nearby gas station and as he walks through a detector, a rangefinde­r in his pocket – used to measure the distance of longrange targets – sets off an alarm.

Security finds nothing else incriminat­ing and so Crooks is allowed in, but police keep an eye on him until he eventually leaves the arena.

The temperatur­e is now a sweltering 90F(32C).


CROOKS is walking outside the perimeter of the Show Grounds.

Nearby he has concealed a bag containing an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle (one of over 20 legallyown­ed weapons that belong to his father), ammunition, the rangefinde­r and a transmitte­r to activate two explosive devices hidden in the boot of his car to provide a distractio­n during the shooting.

Crooks has left a third bomb in his home. As he walks past the

AGR factory building outside the perimeter, the would-be assassin is spotted by police officers who think he looks suspicious, but they lose sight of him.


DONALD Trump’s motorcade arrives at the Show Grounds to ecstatic applause and cheering from supporters.

Today is Trump’s final public appearance before the start of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee where he will be officially selected as the party’s nominee for president.

Trump’s campaign is on a roll after his debate on June 28 with a confused and often incoherent President Joe Biden.

Trump declared the following day: ‘Joe Biden’s age is not his problem. It’s his competence.’ Opinion polls put Trump ahead by as much as six points.


A SECRET Service sniper in the arena spots Crooks holding the rangefinde­r near the AGR Internatio­nal factory.

He calls in with a report and sends a photo of the man to his colleagues around the arena.

Soon police and Secret Service radios are crackling with reports of a ‘suspicious male’ near the building.


IT’S the moment the 15,000 people in the Show Grounds have been waiting for – Donald Trump climbs on to the stage wearing his trademark red Make America Great Again baseball cap and joins in their clapping.

As the rapturous applause dies down he tells them ‘This is a big crowd. This is a big, big, beautiful crowd’, and they roar back their approval.

Trump goes on: ‘Our country is going to hell if you haven’t noticed. Millions and millions of people are pouring in from prisons and mental institutio­ns, we’re going to stop it.’

An officer from the Butler Police Department is searching the area around the factory but has yet to find Crooks.


CROOKS uses an air-conditioni­ng unit on an outside wall to clamber on to the factory, and then shimmies up its sloping roof to get a clear view of the stage. He has with him his father’s AR-15 semi-automatic rifle.

Below him, a couple of Trump fans named Mike and Amber DiFrischia, who arrived late for the rally, have found a spot close to the perimeter and to their horror spot Crooks and his rifle and assume the crowd must be his target. Amber said later: ‘You don’t know whether to hit the deck, hide or just stand still. It’s very chaotic in those split seconds.’

They decide to run and hide behind a tree and Mike starts filming the gunman.


MEMBERS of the public are pointing towards the factory roof shouting: ‘He’s got a gun!’ In response, an officer from the Butler Police Department is hoisted up 8ft on to the roof by a colleague.

As the policeman grips the edge of the building, Crooks swings round and points his rifle at him. Thinking he’s about to be shot and unable to unholster his gun, the policeman drops to the ground and immediatel­y alerts others to Crooks’s location.

Investigat­ors believe this unexpected encounter with the officer may have spurred Crooks to ‘hurry his shots’.


ON the stage Trump has turned to his right and is pointing to a chart on a giant screen showing the scale of illegal immigratio­n into the United States.

Crooks takes aim at the former president’s head.

The previous day the 20 year-old visited a gun club where he is a member to practise on the rifle range. The club’s range is 200 yards long – Donald Trump is standing 133 yards, or 400ft away.


TRUMP turns very slightly to face the crowd and says: ‘That chart’s a couple of months old and if you really want to see something that’s sad, take a look at what happ-’.

Suddenly shots ring out and Trump hears what he later described as ‘the world’s largest mosquito’ and is hit on his right ear. He winces, touches the side of his face, looks at his hand which is covered in blood and then drops to the floor.

Black-suited Secret Service agents in dark glasses storm the stage to cover him. One agent shouts, ‘Get down! Get down!’

Crooks keeps firing and the audience start screaming and a bullet hits the hydraulic line of a forklift holding a bank of speakers and the lift’s arm collapses.

In the stands to Trump’s right, former fire chief Corey Comperator­e, 50, says to his wife and two daughters, ‘Get down!’ and pushes them towards the ground before he is hit in the head by a bullet.

Moments before Trump began his speech the family had been standing off to the side but were offered front row seats. Two other men, David Dutch 57, and James Copenhaver 74, are critically injured by the gunfire.

Crooks fires eight times in all. In the midst of the chaos, a woman in a black baseball cap sitting behind the stage calmly gets out her phone and starts filming, a move that ignites the internet with wild conspiracy theories about her involvemen­t in the shooting.

Others point out that it merely shows how numbed many Americans have become to mass shootings.


BY now the Secret Service are completely screening the former president and in the melee Trump’s shoes have come off.

The microphone on the lectern picks up an agent saying: ‘What are we doing? What are we doing? Where are we going?’

The crowd are confused, some are filming on their phones, some grab their children and run for the exits, others point in the direction of the AGR factory building.


OVER the screams there is the sound of a single gunshot as Crooks is shot dead by a Secret Service sniper who according to one eyewitness, virtually ‘blew his head off’.

Crooks left a bullet proof vest inside his car, leading investigat­ors to believe he intended to die that day.

A Secret Service agent shielding Donald Trump says to his colleagues: ‘Go around to the spare. Go around to the spare.’ (A spare is a spare SUV limousine.)

In the stands Corey Comperator­e’s wife Helen screams, ‘He’s been shot! He’s down!’ Emergency Room doctor Jim Sweetland hears her shout and rushes over to find the firefighte­r on the floor wedged between two benches, with blood and brain matter everywhere.

With the help of others, he gets Cory on to a bench so he can treat him, but Cory isn’t breathing so Dr Sweetland carries out CPR while someone else applies pressure to the headwound.


TWO fully armed and armoured members of the Hawkeye Secret Service Counter Assault team take positions beside the stage.

The agents around Trump are reluctant to move in case the would-be assassin strikes again, but then they get confirmati­on in their earpieces.

An agent says: ‘Shooter’s down. Shooter’s down.’


TRUMP says to the agents around him, ‘Let me get my shoes.’ One replies, ‘Sir, we’ve got to move to the car, sir,’ but Trump insists they get his shoes first so they are thrown off the stage towards the spare limo and an agent picks up his MAGA hat.

Press photograph­ers have surrounded the huddled group, capturing pictures of blood running down the side of Trump’s face.


THE agents are about to rush Trump off stage, but he

recognises the power of the moment and tells them, ‘Wait, wait, wait!’

Trump then stands up with his hair dishevelle­d and fist pumps the crowd mouthing, ‘Fight, fight, fight!’ They roar their relief.

Veteran photojourn­alist Evan Vucci who has taken pictures in riots and warzones has sprinted to the side of the stage where he reckons the agents will lead Trump to safety.

He said later: ‘In my head, I just kept saying to myself, ‘Slow down, slow down. Compose, compose.’

As an agent looks right down the lens, and as a bloodied Trump raises his fist with the Stars and Stripes flying behind him, Vucci takes an iconic photo.

The Secret Service agents can’t delay any longer and help Trump down the steps towards the waiting limo. Trump raises his fist one final time and gets in.


AFTER Dr Sweetland has carried out of CPR on Corey Comperator­e for two minutes, a Pennsylvan­ia state trooper taps the medic on the shoulder and together with another officer picks up the wounded man, in Sweetland’s words, ‘like a rag doll’ and on to a stretcher.

All Sweetland can say to reassure the firefighte­r’s distressed family is ‘Corey’s going to go to a place where he can get help.’

Around them everyone is subdued. Trump supporter Saurabh Sharma told a reporter: ‘It wasn’t like what you’d expect out of a crowd that just experience­d something like this, everyone was really quiet. There were a few women crying. They were saying, “I can’t believe they tried to kill him”.’


DONALD Trump arrives at the Butler Memorial Hospital and staff carry out several tests including a CT scan which all come back normal.

Ronny Jackson, who served as Trump’s White House doctor, told reporters later that Trump was missing part of his ear.

‘He was lucky. It was far enough away from his head that there was no concussive effects from the bullet.

‘And it just took the top of his ear off, a little bit of the top of his ear, as it passed through.’


TRUMP sends out a message on his Truth Social website thanking the Secret Service and law enforcemen­t for their rapid response.

‘I knew immediatel­y that something was wrong in that I heard a whizzing sound, shots, and immediatel­y felt the bullet ripping through the skin.

‘It is incredible that such an act can take place in our country.’

Soon after, his motorcade pulls away from the hospital escorted by police.


MATTHEW Crooks calls the local police to report his son missing. He tells them that Thomas had asked to borrow a rifle for a trip to a shooting range and said he’d be home at 1pm but hadn’t returned. Soon after, the FBI arrive to search the Crooks’ house.

A shocked Matthew Crooks tells news network CNN that he is trying to figure out ‘what the hell is going on’.


EVEN after a thorough search of Thomas

Crooks’ mobile phone and computer, his motive for wanting to assassinat­e Donald Trump continues to mystify the investigat­ors.

It was revealed that Crooks was a member of the Republican Party and although a loner at school and college he had impressed his teachers with his conscienti­ous work.

There remains widespread anger that the Secret Service had not apprehende­d Crooks sooner and had allowed Trump to take the stage despite there being a threat.

Leading Republican­s have called for Secret Service director Kim Cheatle to resign. Senator John Barrasso said: ‘Someone has died. The President was almost killed. The head of the Secret Service needs to go.’

David Dutch and James Copenhaver survived the shooting but firefighte­r Corey Comperator­e died from his wounds. A GoFundMe page for his family has so far raised more than $6 million (£4.6 million).

 ?? ?? Anger: Mr Lammy with Israeli president Isaac Herzog
Anger: Mr Lammy with Israeli president Isaac Herzog
 ?? ?? Millimetre­s from death: Donald Trump grabs his ear as he is hit
Millimetre­s from death: Donald Trump grabs his ear as he is hit
 ?? ?? Shot dead: Armed officers stand Thomas Crooks’ body
Shot dead: Armed officers stand Thomas Crooks’ body
 ?? ?? Killer: Lone gunman Thomas Crooks
Killer: Lone gunman Thomas Crooks
 ?? ?? Historic image: Donald Trump seizes the moment to prove his survival and shouts ‘fight, fight, fight’ to the relief of the crowd
Historic image: Donald Trump seizes the moment to prove his survival and shouts ‘fight, fight, fight’ to the relief of the crowd

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