Daily Mail

Commons leader Penny to take on Angela Rayner in TV debate

- By Martin Beckford Policy Editor

PENNY Mordaunt will face off against angela Rayner in a seven-way televised election debate this week.

The Conservati­ve Commons leader is expected to cross swords with Labour’s deputy leader during the Friday night clash on the BBC.

she is known for her confident performanc­es at the despatch box and will relish the opportunit­y to go up against Ms Rayner – possibly highlighti­ng her difference­s with opposition leader sir Keir starmer.

But their exchanges could be overshadow­ed by the appearance of Nigel Farage, after he unexpected­ly declared himself leader of Reform UK yesterday.

The Right-wing party will have a place in the debate, and as its most high-profile figure and best communicat­or, Mr Farage will be keen to take advantage.

asked by LBC last night if he would appear on Friday, he replied: ‘i’ll do that. Yep.’

and asked if he could take on Ms Mordaunt – the former Tory leadership contender widely praised for her sword-carrying role at last year’s Coronation – he said: ‘i hope so.’ The Liberal Democrats will be represente­d by deputy leader Daisy Cooper, while the Greens, SNP and Plaid Cymru will also field senior figures.

Radio 4 Today programme presenter Mishal Husain will host the debate from 7.30pm to 9pm, with members of a live studio audience in London and members of the public able to ask questions.

Jonathan Munro of BBC News said: ‘TV debates have become a key part of elections in the UK, giving voters the chance to hear leaders and senior politician­s debate policies and ideas directly with each other, which rarely happens on the campaign trail.’

The Prime Minister and sir Keir will go head-to-head on iTV tonight at 9pm in the first TV debate of the campaign, moderated by Julie Etchingham. iTV has also announced that a multi-party debate will take place on June 13.

On June 20, Mr sunak and sir Keir, as well as Lib Dem leader sir Ed Davey and SNP First Minister John swinney, will take part in a special Question Time in York.

sophie Raworth will moderate another BBC debate, set to be the last, between the PM and Labour leader in Nottingham on June 26.

‘A key part of UK elections’

 ?? ?? Co■fide■t: Pe■■y Mordau■t
Co■fide■t: Pe■■y Mordau■t

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