Daily Mail




13 Relating to manual work (4-6) 14 Ingest (7)

15 Source of income (6)

16 Feel sorrow (6)

17 Daring undertakin­g (7)

18 Pinkish-violet colour (5)

19 Ready (4)

20 Mature (5)

21 Undergroun­d part of stem (5) 22 Irritable (6)

23 Beg (5)

28 Gradually introduce (5,2)

30 Report (7)

33 Individual examinatio­n (4,5) 36 Part of a larger group (6)

38 Departures (5)

39 Severe (5)

40 Coastal boat (6)

42 Hold up (5)

43 Dim (7)

44 Small alcoholic drink (6)

46 Detach (4)

49 Revolve (4)

51 Exact retributio­n for (6)

53 Type of taxi (7)

55 Evade (5)

59 Appear (6)

60 Flicker (5)

61 Emotionall­y affect (5)

62 Off-white (6)

63 Improve one’s

knowledge of (5,2,2)

65 Long-eared dog (7)

66 Upholstery (7)

70 Phase (5)

71 Notify (6)

73 Devotional song (5)

75 Flat-bottomed boat (5)

80 Neck ornament (4)

82 Long-handled spoon (5)

83 Starchy root (7)

84 Swelling wave (6)

85 Pause (6)

86 Match (7)

87 Controvers­ial writer (10)


1 Ruddy (6)

2 Bugle call (8) 3 Sensible (5)

4 Taste (7)

5 Cower (6)

6 Comb (5)

7 Upend (6) 8 Double nature (7) 9 Organised medical provision (10)

10 Get along (5) 11 Cloudy (8) 12 Bargain (4) 24 Blessing (7) 25 Simple song (5) 26 Smooth yarn (7) 27 Silvery-white metal (7) 29 Fry in fat (5) 31 Youngster (5) 32 Close to (4) 34 Alleviate (6) 35 Abundant (4) 37 Diagnostic aid (7) 41 Difficult problem (7) 45 Broad strip (6) 47 Discern (4,3) 48 Assembly (7) 50 Deep-bodied fish (7) 52 Slick (4) 54 Accustom (5) 56 Japanese noodles (5) 57 Refuse container (4) 58 Go away (5) 60 Dissatisfi­ed (7,3) 64 Wisdom (8) 67 Stalemate (8) 68 Knock down (7) 69 Supple (7) 72 Replica (4-2) 74 Succinct (6) 76 Lubricant (6) 77 Discord (5)

78 Small willow (5) 79 Restrict (5) 81 Leave out (4)

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