Daily Mail

How the other six in gang were put behind bars

- By Chris Brooke

THE CONVICTION of Piran Ditta Khan means all seven men involved in the 2005 robbery have now been brought to justice. The others were:

◼ MUZZAKER SHAH was jailed for life in 2006 with a minimum 35year term after admitting PC Beshenivsk­y’s murder, robbery and firearms offences.

He led the trio of armed robbers but denied firing the fatal shot. Police have always believed he was the ‘Asian man’ described by PC Teresa Milburn as the one who shot both officers.

Shah, 25, a married father from London, was part of a notorious London gang called Thug Fam.

◼ YUSUF JAMA, 20, sentenced at the same time and also given a 35- year minimum term for murder. He also had connection­s with Thug Fam and had the same distinctiv­e five-star tattoo as Shah

‘Came to Britain as a refugee’

and other members. He claimed to have shot PC Beshenivsk­y, but insisted it was an accident.

◼ MUSTAF JAMA, Yusuf’s elder brother, and the third armed robber on the raid. In 2009 he was given the same sentence as the other two for murder.

Jama, 26, who had come to Britain as a refugee, could have been deported six months before the raid after serving a prison sentence for burglary. The Home Office deemed it unfair to send him back to Somalia because it is considered one of the world’s most unsafe places. He nonetheles­s fled there after the killing. But he was arrested and returned to Britain to face justice.

◼ FAISAL RAZZAQ, one of the lookouts. The 25-year-old was given a life sentence in 2006 for manslaught­er, robbery and firearms offences and told he must serve at least 11 years. He has since been released.

◼ HASSAN RAZZAQ, the older brother of Faisal, who helped plan the robbery and acted as a lookout. The 26-year-old was convicted of manslaught­er, robbery and firearms offences and was given a 20year jail sentence in 200 . He has since been released.

◼ RAZA UL HAQ ASLAM, another lookout. The 26-year-old Londoner was jailed for eight years in 200 for robbery. He has since been released.

 ?? ?? Armed and dangerous: The submachine gun used by the robbers
Armed and dangerous: The submachine gun used by the robbers
 ?? ?? 35-year-sentence: Yusuf Jama
35-year-sentence: Yusuf Jama
 ?? ?? Led the raid: Muzzaker Shah
Led the raid: Muzzaker Shah
 ?? ?? Fled to Somalia: Mustaf Jama
Fled to Somalia: Mustaf Jama

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