Daily Mail

Has Rishi seen the light on migrant problem?


IN A classic told-you-so moment, Rishi Sunak suggested in a speech in Italy that immigratio­n was out of control. The British public have said this for decades and have been consistent­ly labelled racist and ignorant for doing so.

Sadly, on immigratio­n, there remains a cavernous divide between the experience and knowledge of voters and the head-in-the-sand, virtue-signalling claptrap peddled by a majority of MPs from all parties.

With the exception of Nick Fletcher, the Tory MP for Don Valley, MPs are still failing to represent their constituen­ts on this issue — pushing the hackneyed narrative that all migrants are refugees and all immigratio­n is good.

G. MATTHEWS, Lancaster.

RISHI SUNAK said in his speech in Italy that ‘enemies’ could use immigratio­n as a weapon by ‘deliberate­ly driving people to our shores to try to destabilis­e our society’. This should be a critical political watershed. Alas, those highlighti­ng the statistica­l trends have always been denounced as racists or derided as conspiracy theorists. Now we have the Prime Minister himself conceding they were right all along. We can only hope this slow Government hasn’t woken up to the threat too late.

robert Frazer, Salford. WHAT would we do without legal migration? I was rushed in an ambulance to the cardiac unit at my local hospital. All the fantastic nurses, radiograph­ers and doctors who helped me — 12 in all — were immigrants.

GARY BARTLETT, chesham, bucks.

MANY people support net-zero immigratio­n. Existing and planned levels are totally unsustaina­ble.

DAN HARTLEY, Solihull, w. Mids.

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