Daily Mail

Straight to the POINT


■ BY TRADITION, many former prime ministers were given earldoms. Might this be revived for your august columnist Boris Johnson?


■ BARONESS Mone says she denied any involvemen­t in the PPE scandal to protect her family from media intrusion. Be sure your sins will find you out.

ROBERT DEWAR, beeford, e. Yorks.

■ I HOPE that among the 600 things BA chief Sean Doyle intends to put right (Mail) is the scrapping of economy reclining seats.

B. BOND, St neots, cambs.

■ WE REFER to the late Queen as ‘the Queen’, but tend to refer now to ‘King Charles’ rather than ‘the King’. I wonder why.

TOBY HARDCASTLE, new Milton, Hants.

■ FIVE wins in the past six games. Perhaps Everton should request a ten-point deduction at the start of next season, too.

HOWARD THOMAS, reading, berks.

■ POOR Stella Creasy, missing out on Christmas parties and drinks because the children need picking up.

VAL LAWRENSON, Littleboro­ugh, Lancs.

■ YES, Strictly needs new personnel. Bring on Paddy McGuinness, Alan Carr and Gary Lineker.

JOHN PARTRIDGE, bedford, beds.

■ CELEBRITY Mastermind is a travesty of the definition of both words. Question: ‘What is the first letter of the Greek alphabet?’ Answer: ‘D’.

MARTIN KIMBER, brighton, e. Sussex.

■ WELL done, Ellie and Vito. Worthy winners.

M. MACLEOD, High wycombe, bucks.

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