Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine



with her and she arrives to find herself plastered all over billboards under the headline Turkish Delight.

After the excitement of the job, Bethany’s left feeling insecure when she sees Daniel and Daisy hugging (right). What can it mean? Has Daisy succumbed to the joys of reading to win back the great teacher? Or has she already tired of rubbing healing oils into Ryan’s facial scars? Or listening to his endless wittering?

My guess is she’s going to ditch both men in favour of dodgy copper Kit, who must now hold the record of the longest any new man has ever spent on the street without bedding Daisy, Jenny or Tracy. Or maybe he’ll turn out to be gay and move in on Billy, who’s now free.

But Billy will be in no mood for romance after Todd calls round and tells him Paul’s body is at the undertaker’s, should he want to spend any time with him.

Finally, Shuttlewor­th’s has some work to do; it must be the most underused funeral directors within a 100-mile radius of Manchester. Who will be the first person to put a smile on Billy’s face, now that the love of his life has gone? Heck, if God’s never managed it for longer than ten seconds, I don’t hold out much hope for the Weatherfie­ld Whingers.

There’s not much joy for Summer either, as she carries a bin bag full of Paul’s clothes over to Gemma’s. Best place for them, but why such a large bag? He’s only ever had two shirts.

In better news, is Alina heading back to Romania when she learns that Tyrone stole her passport in an effort to get her and their son Dorin to stay?

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