Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine




6.30PM, BBC2 ★★★

The French are very proud of their cuisine, and love looking down on us ‘rosbifs’. If anyone can show them a thing or two, it’s Lancashire-born Michelin-starred chef Marcus, who continues his foodie tour of the French province of Provence. Tonight, Marcus showcases his none too shabby kitchen skills in a live cooking demo at a farmers’ market. Before the cook-off kicks off, Marcus visits a farm where pigs live free and wild among acorn trees, and another where snails are reared – it’s a lot more involved than you might think.

JAMIE COOKS SPRING 8PM, CH4 ★★★ Jamie Oliver (below) raids the garden for a proper feast in this, the final offering in his springtime series. Potatoes, broad beans, lettuces and rhubarb are the star attraction­s – and you will need to leave plenty of room for a yummy dessert.


★★★★ Matters in Mount Eden are coming to a head in this penultimat­e episode, while back at the station Canning is losing allies fast. With Annie on suspension, Shane is out in the cold until he does the right thing, while Grace and Stevie are back together in the squad car – turning the volume up on some classic tunes. Lee has been an interestin­g villain, the loyalist who wants things back the way they were. But at what cost?


★★★★★ This is the incredible story of a medical breakthrou­gh, made all the more remarkable because it was spearheade­d by a schoolteac­her from Nottingham. Carol Jennings believed that there was a genetic link for the earlyonset Alzheimer’s that plagued her father and his siblings. Sadly, Carol died of the disease herself in March this year, and this film is a fitting tribute to her trailblazi­ng work and contributi­on to a hoped-for cure.

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