Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine

Ch nese co kery

It’s 40 years since Ken Hom first got his wok out on British TV. Now Saturday Kitchen is celebratin­g his life with a delicious tribute


When Ken Hom’s Chinese Cookery first aired on BBC2 back in 1984, the series turned the Chineseame­rican presenter, author, chef and restaurate­ur into a household name. Now fans are in for a treat when Saturday Kitchen celebrates Ken’s 40-year career.

On the show Taiwanese chef Ching-he Huang, who co-presented BBC’S Exploring China: A Culinary Adventure with Ken in 2012, two-michelinst­arred Andrew Wong and Hakkasan’s Tong Chee Hwee will serve a feast for Ken, now 74.

‘I’m very honoured Saturday Kitchen is doing this,’ says Ken, who splits his time between France and Thailand. ‘I first went on it in 2002, and every time I never know what to expect. I’ve filmed for the show from my tiny flat in Paris, and did a Chinese New Year programme on Zoom live from Bangkok during Covid.’

Born in Arizona and raised in Chicago, Ken learnt about food working in his uncle Paul’s restaurant from the age of 11. He was teaching cookery in

California and Hong Kong when a meeting at a party with Indian cookery legend Madhur Jaffrey changed his life. ‘The BBC had been searching for a presenter for a Chinese cookery series for two years,’ says

Ken. ‘Madhur suggested me and I was invited to audition. I agreed to do it although it didn’t pay a lot compared to what I was getting in the States. But I thought, “It will be an experience, and I get to live in the UK for two months and film in Hong Kong.”’

The show aired in October that year and a book was also released. ‘I remember going to a book signing with 600 people queuing outside. I asked the BBC rep, “Who are they waiting for?” He replied, “They’re waiting for you.” I said, “You’re joking!”’

In the 40 years since, he’s made more series including Hot Wok and has cooked for many famous names, including Tina Turner at his home in the south of France. ‘When she said in her raspy, sexy voice, “That’s delicious, darling,” I almost fell over,’ he laughs.

Ken also works for charities Action Against Hunger and Prostate Cancer UK, which he recovered from in 2010.

But he won’t be doing a lot for his 75th birthday in May. ‘It’s another year,’ he says. ‘If I get to 100 I’ll celebrate.

But for the Chinese, 75’s just the start.’

Roz Lewis

 ?? ?? Ken today (right) and on Chinese Cookery in 1984 (above)
Saturday Kitchen, Saturday, 10am, BBC1. Buy Ken’s autobiogra­phy My Stir Fried Life at amazon. co.uk
Ken today (right) and on Chinese Cookery in 1984 (above) Saturday Kitchen, Saturday, 10am, BBC1. Buy Ken’s autobiogra­phy My Stir Fried Life at amazon. co.uk
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