Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine

Persian Herb Omelette


The herbs give this omelette a wonderful green colour and we’ve left the potatoes unpeeled for extra fibre. Lovely with the tomato salad for a quick lunch.


Prep 15 minutes Cooking time about 15 minutes Calories Per serving 291 150g salad potatoes, unpeeled and finely diced

2tbsp olive oil

1 onion, finely chopped

75g herbs (any combinatio­n of coriander, parsley, mint, dill, chervil), roughly chopped 3 garlic cloves, finely chopped 6 eggs

½tsp ground turmeric

¼tsp ground cinnamon

Salt and black pepper

1tbsp barberries (buy online or in health food shops)

1tbsp flaked almonds

FOR the tomato Salad

300g tomatoes, roughly chopped or sliced

Zest and juice of ½ a lemon

1tbsp olive oil

1tsp sherry vinegar

Blanch the potatoes in boiling water for 1 minute then drain and set aside. Heat the olive oil in a deep frying pan and add the potatoes and onion. Fry until the onion is translucen­t and the potato is cooked through but firm.

Put the herbs in a food processor with a splash of water and pulse until finely chopped. Add the garlic and herbs to the frying pan and cook, stirring regularly.

Preheat a grill to a medium heat. Beat the eggs with the spices and season with salt and pepper. Stir them into the frying pan along with the barberries and almonds. Leave the omelette to cook until the bottom is set, then place the pan under the grill. Cook for 2-3 minutes until the top is just set. Leave to cool for a few minutes before turning it out.

For the tomato salad, season the tomatoes with salt and pepper and toss them in the lemon zest and juice, olive oil and sherry vinegar. Serve with omelette.

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