Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine

Tomato, GINGER & RICE soup


Who doesn’t love a tomato soup? And we hope you’ll agree that this recipe, enriched with rice and spice, is a real keeper.


Prep 10 minutes Cooking time about 30 minutes Calories Per serving 143 1tsp coconut oil

A few curry leaves

3 shallots or 1 onion, finely sliced

5g root ginger, finely chopped 3 garlic cloves, finely chopped 2tsp ground cumin

1tsp chilli powder

500g fresh tomatoes, roughly chopped or puréed

Salt and black pepper

1tbsp tamarind paste

750ml vegetable stock

A pinch of ground cinnamon (optional)

½tsp honey or sugar (optional) 2tsp garam masala

100g wholegrain black or wild rice, cooked according to the packet instructio­ns

Leaves from a small bunch of coriander (optional)

Heat the coconut oil in a large saucepan. Add the curry leaves and fry until they start to crackle, then add the shallots or onion. Fry for a few minutes, until the shallots or onion are starting to take on some colour, then stir in the ginger, garlic, ground cumin and chilli powder.

Stir well and cook until everything smells very aromatic.

Add the tomatoes and cook over a medium-high heat, stirring regularly, until they start to look a little jammy, then season with salt

and black pepper. Add the tamarind paste and stock.

Bring the soup to the boil, then turn down the heat and simmer for 15 minutes. Taste the soup and if it seems a little sour for your taste, add a pinch of ground cinnamon and/or the honey or sugar. Stir to combine, then stir in the garam masala.

Ladle the soup into bowls and stir some cooked rice into each serving. Garnish with fresh coriander leaves, if using.

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