Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine




When Flight 716 disappears over the Atlantic with

256 people on board, investigat­or Kendra Malley (The Good Wife’s Archie Panjabi, left) is put on the case. Are terrorists responsibl­e? And why is there only one survivor? Watch for Panjabi’s compelling performanc­e and Christophe­r Plummer’s final on-screen appearance before his death in 2021.



Idris Elba’s charisma carries this turbulent seven-part series, which has an enjoyably outlandish premise: a seven-hour flight from Dubai to London is taken over by five gunwieldin­g hijackers. The drama unfolds in real time as unflappabl­e business negotiator Sam Nelson

(Elba, right) uses all his guile to try to regain control of the plane.

Buckle up!

(apple TV+) INTOTHENIG­HT (Netflix)

It’s best to suspend your disbelief when watching this Belgian sci-fi thriller in which passengers on a flight from Brussels are some of the only survivors of an apocalypti­c event in which people are killed by exposure to sunlight. Those onboard the plane must fly west to avoid the sun – can they reach safety before their fuel runs out?


Kaley Cuoco is charming as Cassie, a chaotic air steward with a drink problem, in this stylish mystery. When a hungover Cassie (above) wakes up next to the dead body of a first-class passenger she’d been flirting with, she has no idea what happened. Did she murder him?

MANIFEST (Netflix, Sky/now)

A soapy but bingeable supernatur­al series (above) about an airliner that lands five years after it took off – although the passengers think they’ve been in the air for three hours. Can they return to normal life?

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