Daily Express

Pleasure after clearing up the pane


THE DEVIL was in the contract detail, a couple discovered, after they gave the go-ahead for a £7,200 project to replace the windows in their home.

Jobs such as this involve precise product specificat­ions with several parties – from the product manufactur­er and the salesperso­n liaising with the customer to the appointed surveyor and installer who may be a sub-contractor.

Jean and Henry Tucker bought their replacemen­ts from Anglian Home Improvemen­ts last year and their amendment shortly after, reducing the number of windows to be altered, was agreed and signed for.

The glass the couple wanted had also been discussed, with the Tuckers agreeing to pay extra for decorative patterned panes in the horizontal windows above the main frames, known as transoms.

“But when the fitter arrived, clear glass was used for these,” Henry told Crusader. “Replacemen­ts were offered but they were not the patterns we first chose. It then went quiet, so we decided to stick with the clear glass but think we deserve a refund for the additional cost we paid.”

Crusader shared the Tuckers’ disappoint­ment with Anglian, which investigat­ed in a helpful move that revealed facts that had contribute­d to a considerab­le misunderst­anding. While Jean and Henry had discussed at length with the various representa­tives the windows’ details, the ones set out in the contract about the choice of glass were different. Clear glass was specified with no variation and no extra charge had been taken for patterned transoms.

Trust had clearly played a big part in the couple accepting the advice and the contract they received without fully checking. This was something Anglian understood too, leading it to offer to pay for a fix as a goodwill gesture.

“Customer care is incredibly important to us and we are sorry for any confusion (Mrs Tucker) has experience­d regarding her order,” a spokespers­on explained

“The signed contract did not specify patterned glass, nor was patterned glass charged for. Our surveyor attended the property to confirm the manufactur­ing details and the paperwork was signed, again confirming clear glazed windows.

“We whole-heartedly apologise for any confusion and confirm that we will arrange replacemen­t of the glass.”

This has now been done and aside from some retouching to smooth out the leading strips, “this is so much better,” said the couple when thanking Crusader.

● Names have been changed

 ?? Picture: GETTY ?? GOODWILL MOVE: Patterned glass has now been installed
Picture: GETTY GOODWILL MOVE: Patterned glass has now been installed

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