Daily Express

Spending so much time with my mum and dad is a dream come true... we’re making memories

Presenter Matt Baker is back exploring more beautiful sites of the North-East with his parents for his popular travelogue series. And he wouldn’t have it any other way…

- By Alison James

MOST of us tend to plan our trips knowing what places and pleasures might lie ahead. But it’s the opposite for television presenter Matt Baker who regularly takes his parents on “magical mystery tours” across the scenic countrysid­e of the North-East.

“They never know exactly where we’re going or who we’re going to meet when we set off,” smiles the Countryfil­e presenter, 46, who has returned to his native Durham in recent years to help his dad Mike, 80, and mum, Janice, 68, run their family farm.

“All of the trips are planned around what I think my parents are going to love and I’m proud to say I haven’t picked a duff one yet!”

The family adventures feature in More 4’s popular programme, Travels with Mum & Dad, which returns for its third series tonight.

Guaranteed to warm the cockles as the autumnal evenings creep in, the show does just what it says on the tin with Matt whisking away pretty, smiley Janice and twinkly, up-for-a-laugh Mike – who first appeared on our screens with their boy in the reality series Our Farm in the Dales – to historic sites and beauty spots with their dog Archie for the day.

Matt, who has two children, Luke, 16, and Molly, 14 with his wife Nicola, a physiother­apist, says the idea came about to give his parents some respite from the relentless hard work of running their sheep farm. They’re often so busy that they can’t take a holiday.

In this series, we’ll see the trio visiting – and getting behind-the-scenes peeks of – many North-East attraction­s including the annual Northumber­land County Show, Durham Castle, the University Botanical Gardens and the 191st Durham Regatta, plus the National Trust-owned historic house and gardens of Cragside.

For Matt, who sees working with his parents as the ultimate labour of love, the short road trips give him the chance to explore world class wonders and hidden gems around his childhood home while making memories with Janice and Mike.

“We just have such a lovely time together as a family,” he says. “I especially love it because I can see just how much mum and dad are enjoying themselves. Dad is 80 now and beginning to slow down a bit but he’s having a ball – and all on his own doorstep. He says he’s doing things at 80 that he’s never done in his life before.

“We take mum and dad’s caravan with us but it’s not for sleeping in. It’s so they can have a sit and a relax and a nice cup of tea in between filming. And dad can have a nap if he’s a bit tired.”

THE former One Show and Blue Peter presenter, who has a sister and two half-sisters, is hoping that the show inspires other people of his generation to spend precious time with their parents or older relatives while they still can.

“I think it’s down to us to help make new memories with older family members.We all love reminiscin­g about times gone by but by having new adventures and experience­s together, there are more recent happy times to remember, too,” he says.

“I love it that mum and dad now have all these new memories of things they’ve done and people they’ve met. They’ve kept in touch with pretty much everyone, by the way. Their Christmas card list is massive! What I love more than anything is hearing them talk about all the new things that have been happening in their lives as opposed to the stuff they did when they were younger.

“It’s given them a new lease of life.

“I feel very lucky to be able to make new memories with them and make the most of the time we have together – all whilst celebratin­g the wonderful North of England.

“I just want them to have the best time. I suppose it’s like my thanks to them for all they’ve done for me and all the support they’ve shown me in my life.”

But what will happen once the Bakers have exhausted the attraction­s on their doorstep? Is there a limit as to how far they’re willing to travel? Surely the point is that Janice and Mike are always able to return to the farm and their animals by the end of the day?

“I don’t think we will run out of places,” laughs Matt. “It’s not about going to big tourist attraction­s, it’s about what’s on your doorstep.

“I know some producers keep wanting to push the envelope with shows like this and introduce ‘wacky’ stunts… but not on this show. I’m in charge, you see! It’s my production company that makes it.”

Matt has always been close to his parents. So close, in fact, that when Janice was seriously injured after being trampled by a flock of her own sheep in a freak accident in 2020, Matt helped out on the farm while his mum recovered. He, Nicola and the kids hotfooted it up the motorway from their Buckingham­shire home – they’ve returned

south now, with Janice thankfully having made a full recovery.

Yet, not all families get on so well after being around one another in close proximity for so long. What does Matt reckon is the Baker’s secret?

“We just like each other and really enjoy each other’s company. Simple as that. We have so many laughs when we’re together,” he enthuses.

“People say to me, ‘Spending so much time with your parents? Nightmare!’ But I love it. I actually think I’m turning into my dad. It’s a bit like looking into a mirror when I’m with him. We have similar expression­s. My kids are always saying, ‘Dad! You’re just like grandad!’.”

Matt’s come a long way since his freshfaced days as a children’s television presenter on Blue Peter, which he co-hosted with Konnie Huq, Gethin Jones and Simon Thomas, among other famous faces, between 1999 and 2006. He won his part with a showreel of footage which included him riding a unicycle and doing farm work.

While a Blue Peter presenter, he trained as a stuntman, qualified to become a Royal Marine and learned how to fly hang gliders.

AND Matt’s action-man ability didn’t come from nowhere as he was in fact a childhood gymnast. His passion for the sport began at the age of five, and he quickly rose through the ranks, competing in junior competitio­ns and clinching the title of North of England champion. However, his promising career was abruptly halted at 14 due to a diagnosis of anaemia.

Matt was one of the gymnastics commentato­rs for the recent Paris Olympics – his fifth Olympics in all.

Yet that didn’t stop some people on social media questionin­g why he was providing commentary, completely oblivious as they were to his prowess as a gymnast.

Does this kind of trolling bother him? “Not at all – in fact, it makes me laugh,” he says. “So many people think that because you’ve been raised on a farm and done a bit of farming yourself that you can’t possibly have been a gymnast. I call that very narrowmind­ed.And I love putting them right!

“Doing gymnastics taught me so much. It taught me about dedication, about putting in the hours and getting a result. It’s a simple formula and one I’ve applied ever since.”

Closer to home, Matt recently lost his beloved black labrador Annie, who lived with Nicola and his children.

Releasing a touching video of the family dog on social media this month, he wrote: “She helped me and Nicola raise our kids and we owe her so much – just pleased we were all with her at home.”

His loss has reminded him of why it’s so important to spend as much time as he can with his parents.

“I do worry about them getting older, of course I do,” he says. “And this makes the time we spend together all the more precious. It kind of reminds me of being on holiday as a kid, except I’m in charge now – and I mean that in the nicest possible way!”

●●Travels with Mum & Dad starts at 9pm tonight on More4

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 ?? ?? TV’S BADGE OF HONOUR: Matt in his Blue Peter days
TV’S BADGE OF HONOUR: Matt in his Blue Peter days
 ?? ?? HEADING NORTH-EAST: Janice and Mike, with Archie the dog and son Matt on a new adventure
HOME TIME: Matt and Nicola with children Luke, 16, and Molly, 14
HEADING NORTH-EAST: Janice and Mike, with Archie the dog and son Matt on a new adventure HOME TIME: Matt and Nicola with children Luke, 16, and Molly, 14

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