Daily Express

‘Extremist’ far-Right in shock German poll win

- By Allister Hagger

THE far-Right Alternativ­e for Germany won a state election for the first time yesterday – in the country’s east.

And it was set to finish at least a very close second to Conservati­ves in a second vote, projection­s showed.

A new party founded by a prominent leftist also made an immediate impact, while the parties in Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s unpopular national coalition government did poorly.

Projection­s based on exit polls and partial counting showed Alternativ­e for Germany winning 32-33% of the vote in Thuringia – well ahead of the centre-Right Christian Democratic Union, the main national opposition party, with about 24%. In neighbouri­ng

Saxony, projection­s put support for the CDU, which has led the state since German reunificat­ion in 1990, at 31.5-31.8% and the AfD on 30.7-31.4%.

Omid Nouripour, a leader of the Greens, one of the national governing parties, said: “An openly Right-wing extremist party has become the strongest force in a state parliament for the first time since 1949, and that causes many people very deep concern and fear.”

Other parties say that they will not put AfD in power by joining it in a coalition. But its strength is likely

to make it very difficult to form new state government­s, forcing other parties into exotic new coalitions.

The new populist Left-wing Sahra Wagenknech­t Alliance, or BSW, took up to 16% of the vote in Thuringia and 12% in Saxony, adding another level of complicati­on.

AfD co-leader Alice Weidel said: “This is a historic success for us,” and described the result as a “requiem” for Mr Scholz’s coalition.

The CDU’s general secretary, Carsten Linnemann, said “voters in both states knew we

wouldn’t form a coalition with AfD, and it will stay that way – we are very clear on this.”

Deep discontent with the national government, antiimmigr­ation sentiment and scepticism toward military aid for Ukraine are among the factors to contribute to support for populist parties in the region.


Germany’s intelligen­ce agency has the AfD’s branches in both Saxony and Thuringia under official surveillan­ce as “proven Right-wing extremist” groups.

Its leader in Thuringia, Bjorn Hocke has been convicted of knowingly using a Nazi slogan at political events.

 ?? ?? Nervous...leader Olaf Scholz
Nervous...leader Olaf Scholz
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 ?? ?? Tensions...street protests against the AfD in Berlin; inset right, AfD leader Bjorn Hocke
Tensions...street protests against the AfD in Berlin; inset right, AfD leader Bjorn Hocke

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