Daily Express

Village plan for Union Jack is flagging

- By Eleanor Storey and Faye Mayern

PLANS to raise the Union Jack on a village hall have been branded “divisive” by locals, who also fear it could stop people moving there.

Permission has been granted for a 20ft flagpole at Claxton in Norfolk – but the 300 residents are split over which standard should fly in the coming weeks.

Some believe the Union flag should be raised as a symbol of national pride while others are concerned that it has “certain connotatio­ns”.

The parish council admitted there were “strong reactions for and against” the flag issue at last month’s meeting.

Some residents are urging the councillor­s to rethink allowing a flag. One parishione­r described the move as “divisive” while another pointed to the “fine line between patriotism and nationalis­m”.

The meeting also heard claims that it might discourage people from using the hall or “put people off moving into the village”. Resident John Garcia admitted that “people have been really riled up about this”.

He added: “I don’t know if I’ve ever seen the Union Jack flown at a village hall before and it does have certain connotatio­ns.”

One woman posted online: “As a member of this village community, I can safely say this is NOT the general attitude towards the Union Jack or the St George’s flag. I am proud of our flags and country.”

But another wrote: “If it hadn’t had been hijacked by fascists, it would be OK. Raise a Norfolk flag instead.” Former East of England MEP David Campbell-Bannerman said: “For Claxton council to denigrate our great unifying flag, the symbol of the British Union and that symbolises the triumph of democracy and freedom over the Nazis, is truly appalling.”

 ?? ?? People are getting riled... Claxton villager John Garcia
People are getting riled... Claxton villager John Garcia
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 ?? ?? Heated...Claxton locals are locked in a dispute over the Union Jack
Heated...Claxton locals are locked in a dispute over the Union Jack

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