Daily Express

Support local causes with a click

Win £5,000 for your community – and £500 for yourself – by taking part in Co-op’s Winners Share It All prize draw


Community causes up and down the country work hard to provide help to people who need it most. Thanks to Co-op members, more help is now available to local causes supporting their communitie­s.

Food for Families in West Yorkshire is one of many local causes in the UK working to feed people in need. Families can pick up ready-made food packs at the same time as picking up the kids from school.

Now the group has been given its own helping hand, with £5,000 from Co-op as part of its Winners Share It All prize draw. It was chosen by a

Co-op member, who also received a £500 prize.

Other groups who have won since the prize draw launched include Sandy Bear children’s bereavemen­t charity in Wales; the Happy Memories Cafe in Gildersome, near Leeds, which provides a space for people with dementia; and Blackpool’s Fylde Coast Women’s Aid, supporting survivors of domestic abuse.

Choose your own Local Community Fund cause via coop.co.uk or the Co-op app, and spend £5 either in store or online, and you will automatica­lly be entered for a chance to win. Members get additional entries for every £5 spend.

There will be 10 winners every month until December, so there are plenty of chances to win. Non-members can also become a member to take part for just £1 via the Co-op app. It’ll take moments to choose a cause but could really make a difference to your community.

The Winners Share It All prize draw is designed to help boost Co-op’s existing support for thousands of grassroots causes. The Local Community Fund has supported nearly 40,000 projects since 2016. In total, £108 million has been raised by Co-op members.

“Getting a call from Co-op was amazing,” says Lesley Maslen from Food for Families.

“£5,000 will really make a difference and allow us to look at other projects like a community cookery school and a lunch club for the elderly. Thank you.”

Getting a call from Co-op was amazing. £5,000 will really make a difference LESLEY MASLEN FOOD FOR FAMILIES

 ?? ?? FOOD FOR FAMILIES Co-op members can nominate local causes for extra support
FOOD FOR FAMILIES Co-op members can nominate local causes for extra support

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