Daily Express


The view from the stands, by England fan and Reach journalist JAMES WHALING


ONE thing England’s players, staff and management cannot complain about is the support they have received in Germany over the course of an underwhelm­ing group stage.

The second half in Cologne on Tuesday was as raucous as I’ve heard an England end anywhere. Forty-five minutes of unequivoca­l backing despite another turgid display.

Yes, Gareth Southgate copped some stick at full-time.Yes, it was a sizeable portion of the crowd letting him know how they felt. But who can blame them?

To be clear, personal abuse is never acceptable.And throwing plastic cups is plain stupid. But those who greeted the manager with boos at the final whistle were well within their rights.

Those congregate­d directly behind the goal are England’s most loyal fans.They have spent thousands of pounds, not just at Euro 2024, but in qualifiers and friendlies over the course of many years to back the Three Lions.

They know England have a team that should be performing far better than they are doing right now.They have the best player in the Premier League, La Liga and the Bundesliga over the course of the last campaign and none are producing what they are capable of.

Yes, players must take responsibi­lity. But this is football, and the buck always stops with the manager.

One thing Southgate has on his side is time. He is right to point out England have topped the group.And their path to a potential final, as far away as that may currently seem, is far from terrifying.

The real stuff starts now. One performanc­e and result in the last 16 on Sunday will change the entire narrative and England will have momentum behind them once again.

They will be backed to the hilt both in Germany and at home. But there is only one man that can spark the change. Southgate must be bold in his selections and turn those jeers into cheers at the final whistle in Gelsenkirc­hen.

 ?? ?? OUR MAN: James at the game
OUR MAN: James at the game

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