Daily Express

Enjoy it while it lasts... hot spell to end in downpours

- By Chris Riches

SUNSHINE and showers are the order of the next few days – with blue skies being intermingl­ed with heavy downpours.

The Met Office said while swathes of the UK will enjoy mild and warm weather, the South West of England is forecast to be hit by thundersto­rms today from noon until 9pm.

An area of low pressure from the east is forecast tomorrow to bring heavy rain plus prolonged showers to many parts – before a milder and sunnier bank holiday weekend.

Deputy chief meteorolog­ist Dan Rudman said: “Eastern areas are most likely to see the highest rainfall accumulati­ons, though this will depend on the precise positionin­g of the low pressure. It is important to keep an eye on the forecast as the detail becomes clearer and it is possible severe weather warnings will also be issued.”

There are no real temperatur­e hotspots in the UK as the week continues. In general, London and parts of the South can expect 19C highs while northern Scotland looks set for cooler climes of 12C to 14C.

However, most of the country will hover around 14C to 17C into the weekend. The area of low pressure on Thursday is predicted to move north along the UK’s east coast.

There will be rain and some gusty north-westerly winds in parts of southern Scotland and Northern England. The low pressure will swap to a ridge of higher pressure by Friday, bringing settled weather for many.

Designers at the Chelsea Flower Show in London, which starts today, have told how they are struggling with the changing climate when it comes to choices of plants.

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