Daily Express

Source found of the parasite that has made town ill

- By Emily Beament

RESIDENTS are likely to have to boil tap water for another week due to a parasite in their supply – but officials now believe they may have tracked down the cause of the problem.

Around 16,000 households and firms in areas of Brixham in Devon have been told not to drink tap water.

The UK Health Security Agency said 22 cases of cryptospor­idium, a waterborne disease caused by a microscopi­c parasite, have been confirmed.

Local Tory MP Anthony Mangnall met with the Department for Environmen­t, Food and Rural Affairs for an update from South West Water.


He said: “SWW believes they have located the source of the issue and initiated a fix but are continuing investigat­ions. The ‘boil water’ notice is likely to be in place for at least a further six or seven days.”

He added: “Bottled water will be available. Vulnerable customers will continue to receive regular deliveries while those who are unable to access bottled water stations will be able to call SWW to receive a delivery.”

Elaine Hollier, 80, was rushed to hospital from her Brixham home on Saturday after suffering severe dehydratio­n and vomiting.

Her husband Dennis Hollier said: “She was absolutely diabolical. For four days, I was trying to help her but I got so worried I phoned 111. The hospital didn’t know how to treat her.”

Mr Hollier added: “I phoned up South West Water to tell them what happened but they said you can carry on drinking the water.”

Shop worker Jemma Michaels, 28, said: “It’s absolute chaos in the town, I can’t buy a single bottle of water. I think it’s disgusting that we weren’t told about this until Wednesday.”

Mr Mangnall added: “I am very concerned about SWW’s response to this situation as they have been slow to act and communicat­ion with customers has been very poor.”

SWW issued a “boil water notice” for the Alston and the Hillhead area of Brixham after tests showed “small traces” of cryptospor­idium. Eden Park Primary School was closed yesterday due to a lack of drinking water but two bottled water stations were set up in car parks.

SWW has increased compensati­on to customers from £15 to £115 with official Laura Flowerdew saying: “We sincerely apologise for the impact this is having on our customers.”

The UKHSA said symptoms, including vomiting and diarrhoea, “can last for two to three weeks”.

A Downing Street spokeswoma­n said: “Any water company found to be in breach of rules on drinking water should expect to face enforcemen­t action up to and including criminal prosecutio­n.”

 ?? ?? Help...distributi­ng water in Brixham
Help...distributi­ng water in Brixham

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