Daily Express

Parasite in drinking water leaves at least 70 sick

- By Robert Kellaway

AT least 70 people have fallen ill due to a microscopi­c parasite that contaminat­ed their drinking water.

After cryptospor­idium caused 22 cases of severe vomiting and diarrhoea, locals have been urged to boil water before use.

It is suspected hundreds will have been affected by the outbreak, centred on Alston and the Hillhead area of Brixham in Devon.

The UK Health Security Agency said it was working with Torbay Council, South West Water, NHS Devon and the Environmen­t Agency to investigat­e the outbreak.

It said cryptospor­idiosis was “predominan­tly waterborne” and caught from contaminat­ed tap, stream or swimming pool water.

SWW said it is working to “eliminate the source” and that bottled water stations will be set up in the affected areas.

UKHSA said investigat­ions into the source were continuing and those who have reported symptoms were being contacted.

Sarah Bird, the agency’s health protection consultant for the South West, said more cases were anticipate­d. She said: “A source has not been identified [but] more informatio­n will be shared.”

Symptoms – usually manageable without medical help – include watery diarrhoea, stomach pains, dehydratio­n, weight loss and a fever which can last up to three weeks. UKHSA experts said children aged one to five were most likely to be ill and “most healthy people will recover fully”.

Ms Bird advised people to “drink plenty of water” and contact NHS 111 or a GP if symptoms are severe, adding: “Please stay off school and work for 48 hours since the last episode of illness and keep away from swimming pools for 14 days.”

Tanya Matthews said: “Pretty much every home in our street, everyone has this illness – even pets are getting ill.”

Alex Riley said his family have “always filtered water to reduce chlorine”, adding: “It doesn’t do anything if the water is infected like this.” Dr Lincoln Sargeant, Torbay Council’s director of public health, said people must “wash their hands thoroughly when handling food and after using the toilet”.

●MPs were yesterday warned that “somebody is going to die” due to the state of Britain’s filthy rivers. With thousands of people expected to go swimming as the weather warms up, Charles Watson, of River Action UK, told the Environmen­tal Audit Committee: “The public is not safe.”

 ?? ?? Waterborne...the parasite
Waterborne...the parasite

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