Cycling Weekly

Jack Hartley quells Ribble Rebellion at Eddie Soens

Cycling Sheffield rider steals hyped new team’s thunder in Aintree


Executing his team’s plan to perfection, Jack Hartley won the prestigiou­s Eddie Soens Memorial Handicap with a well-timed sprint last weekend. The 22-year-old got his position right into the finishing straight to win a threeup sprint, beating former national circuit race champion Matthew Bostock into second, with John Bardsley in third.

“It’s a race with a lot of history and it’s well respected, it’s probably my biggest headline win,” said Hartley. “There are a lot of names on that trophy and I’m proud to have my name there as well.

“I’m very happy to get my season under way with my new team, Cycling Sheffield. We were working as a team to win so to pull it off is great, and to outsprint Matthew Bostock is pretty cool.

“It’s the perfect start to the season with the team and I’m happy to pull the plan off to perfection.”

The handicap format resulted in an exciting race around an exposed and windy Aintree course in Liverpool.

The 12-man elite group took around 25 minutes to catch the main peloton, by which point the head of the race was already fractured.

Hartley hits the gas

Time trial specialist John Archibald (HUUB Wattshop) was joined by Ben Pierce (Bridgnorth CC) at the head of proceeding­s.

They were being chased by a selected group including two-time winner Matthew Bottrill (Team Bottrill) and fellow powerhouse Simon Wilson (HUUB Wattshop).

After catching the peloton with over an hour left of racing, a strong Ribble Rebellion team went in pursuit of the chasing group, along with Hartley brothers Jack and James.

Bostock then attacked and, joined by Hartley, the pair reached the chasers, with Archibald and Pierce still charging ahead.

With Alex

Foster (Cycling

Sheffield) already in the select group, he provided help for Hartley and the right compositio­n of teams made for the racewinnin­g move.

With nine laps to go, the chasers caught the leading pair and Foster was tasked with chasing moves down from time trial specialist­s Wilson, Archibald and Bottrill.

Sprinters Hartley, Bostock and Bardsley got their way despite a late surge for glory from Archibald.

Coming into the final bend, Wilson launched his sprint first into a crossheadw­ind, with Bostock and Hartley initially forming an echelon behind him.

Hartley was shielded most from the wind and built up speed, hitting 61kph to pip Bostock on the line.

Best female finisher on the day was Sophie Lewis (Das-hutchinson­brother UK) in 45th while Aidan Worden (360 Cycling) was best junior in 11th.

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Top woman Lewis came 45th

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