Cumnock Chronicle



THE winners of the Scots Language Awards 2024 were crowned on Saturday night at a celebrator­y ceremony in Ayrshire.

Held at Cumnock Town Hall in partnershi­p with East Ayrshire Council, the sixth annual awards ceremony saw 13 individual­s, projects and organisati­ons celebrated for their contributi­ons.

And there was delight when some local winners collected major awards as the ceremony came to Ayrshire for the very first time.

Local teacher Danielle McNulty, from New Cumnock Primary School, was named Scots Teacher o the Year, sponsored by Scottish Qualificat­ions Authority.

New Cumnock Primary

School was also awarded Scots Schuil o the Year, thanks to their dedication to showcasing the Scots language as part of their curriculum. The award is sponsored by Itchy Coo and Black & White Publishing.

And the esteemed Janet Paisley Services to Scots Award was presented to local Cumnock-born poet Rab Wilson.

One of Scotland’s most accomplish­ed poets, Rab has published a number of highly praised volumes of poetry and is a valued Burns scholar, currently the scriever in residence for the National Trust of Scotland based at the Robert Burns Birthplace Museum.

First hosted in 2019, the Scots Language Awards showcase the Scots leid – one of the country’s indigenous languages.

Jim Mackintosh from Perth took home the Scots Writer o the Year award, sponsored by National Library of Scotland. A celebrated poet, Jim regularly features on stage at literary festivals and has published six collection­s.

This year’s Scots Book o the

Year, sponsored by Scottish

Book Trust is Poyums by Len Pennie. Poyums is Len’s debut

- a collection of 64 powerful poems, many written in the Scots language.

The award for Scots Bairns

Book o the Year, sponsored by the Scottish Government was given to Riverbank Primary’s Summer e Magic Scurry. The book was written by the Primary 5F class at the school in Aberdeen and features a story about a naughty herring gull who takes the pupils on an adventure.

Doric Film Festival won the award for Scots Cultural Project o the Year.

The Scots Educationa­l Project of the Year award was presented to the Open University’s Scots language teacher profession­al learning programme.

Scots Language theatre company Braw Clan from Lanarkshir­e was named Scots Community Project o the Year.

This year’s Scots Stage Production o the Year award went to Sunset Song by Dundee Rep Theatre in co-production with Royal Lyceum Theatre in Edinburgh.

Martin O’Connor from Glasgow was named Scots Performer o the Year, sponsored by TRACS. Martin is director of the Tron Theatre Young Company, and associate artist with Toonspeak Young People’s Theatre and is currently Artist in Residence with Inverclyde.

Liz Niven from Dumfries and Galloway was named Scots Champion 2024. Liz has published several poetry collection­s and has worked with hundreds of pupils throughout the year, inspiring them to write their own poetry.

Rudi Hawkins took home the Young Scots Writer o the Year award, sponsored by Education Scotland.

There was also a host of incredible entertainm­ent on display, including musical performanc­es from talented Coylton singer, flautist and guitarist Seán Gray, Scots singer and fiddler Rose Byers, and award winning duo Breanna Wilson and Sophie Joint.

Attendees were also treated to a recital from celebrated National

Library of Scotland’s Scots Scriever Susi Briggs and a joint performanc­e by accomplish­ed folk singer Claire Hastings and writer, broadcaste­r and advocate Billy Kay.

Scots Leid Award organiser an Hands Up For Trad Creative Director, Simon Thoumire said: “Whit a nicht! It wis oor honour an delicht tae annoonce this year’s Scots Language Awards winners the braw fowk keepin oor bonnie Scots leid tae the fore spiekin it ilka day in thir daily livin, in eddication, business, airts an culture.

“Mony thanks tae aabody taein the time tae nominate an vote (mair than ivver afore!) fir the awards, tae the musicians an airtists, an aa wha jined us at Cumnock Toon Ha - we are sae gled o yer support acause we cuidnae dae it wioot ye!”

East Ayrshire Provost Jim

Todd said: “It was wonderful to be able to host such a special evening in Cumnock and even more incredible that we were able to celebrate our very own local winners from New Cumnock.

“My sincere congratula­tions go to Scots Teacher o the Year Danielle McNulty from New Cumnock Primary School, and to the school itself for winning the prestigiou­s Scots Schuil o the Year for the passion and commitment it shows to making sure its pupils learn about the importance of the Scots language.

“Congratula­tions also go to

Rab Wilson, a well-kent name in East Ayrshire and indeed the whole of Scotland, for his award which recognises his important work in relation to Burns and his impressive catalogue of poetry in the Scots language.

“The whole ceremony was filled with so many talented people who all work incredibly hard to promote the Scots leid across Ayrshire and it was truly inspiring and heart-warming to hear their stories and to be able to celebrate this wonderful language with them.”

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