Cumnock Chronicle

Wee rock project in honour of daughter

- Stuart Reid

A LOVING mum from New Cumnock is hoping to honour her “special” daughter with a project that the village can be proud of.

Wilma Ferrans created the idea of a rock snake through the village, with people painting their owns rocks with messages and drawings to add on to the trail.

They will be placed along the path from New Cumnock, reaching from the Afton bridge, on the path towards the swimming pool and beyond.

It has been created in memory of Naomi Ferrans, who tragically lost her life in New Cumnock last year.

Wilma wanted to make something that the whole of the village could get involved in and take pride in.

How the idea came about made Wilma sure that it’s something she wanted to do and would perfectly sum up Naomi.

She said: “During lockdown me and Naomi used to go out and we’d paint wee rocks and place them around New Cumnock.

“One of my friends came to me and said she’d found one of these rocks before she knew it was me and Naomi that had done them.

“It was amazing that it came full circle like that in a way.

“Then after what happened we decided this snake could be a way to remember her, but also for it to be something that New Cumnock can be proud of.”

Wilma added: “Something like this is a great way to remember Naomi, because it’s bright and fun and puts a smile on people’s faces.

“And that’s exactly what Naomi did.

“She would say hiya to everyone and she would be on the go

all the time and she’d always get involved in all the community events, because she loved being active.

“I don’t know how many times she would be out playing and come back covered in mud. It got to the point that I joked about just sending her out with her clothes already dirty.

“But she was so special and a shining light, and hopefully this snake can be something special for New Cumnock and it can become something people regularly get involved with.”

After going through the heartbreak of Naomi’s death, Wilma said she has found some great comfort in the tranquilli­ty that

painting the stones can bring.

She hopes it’s something that can rub off on others.

The local schools have been involved, as well as loads of rocks being painted at the recent FitFest event which will be added to the trail.

“I know how much of a release it can be for me when I’m having one of my bad days,” Wilma said.

“It gives you something to focus your mind on and you can try and forget everything else.

“The community has been beyond amazing and I don’t know how I would’ve got through the last 12 months without them.

“It puts a smile on my face when I look out and see kids with their parents and they’re pointing at the rocks and having a look at all of them.

“That’s what it’s all about, giving people a moment of happiness or release when they see them.

“I don’t know how long it will last but we’re looking to keep it going with different themes through the year like for Halloween and Christmas and things like that.

“Hopefully it will still be there in years to come and people will look at them and see the rock they painted when they were younger.”

A New Cumnock Rocks Facebook page has also been set up, where people can see what new additions have been placed.

 ?? ?? The trail has been started in memory of Naomi Ferrans. Image: NQ archive
The trail has been started in memory of Naomi Ferrans. Image: NQ archive

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