Cumnock Chronicle

Participan­ts of first composers’ summer school announced


THE Cumnock Tryst has announced the eight participan­ts who will be involved in the first ever Internatio­nal Summer School for Composers.

The popular festival, which celebrates its 10th anniversar­y this year, opened applicatio­ns back in January for the intensive course.

Applicatio­ns were open worldwide to aspiring talented composers between the ages of 18 and 30.

The eight successful applicants will get the rare opportunit­y to work one-to-one with Tryst founder and artistic director

Sir James MacMillan and composer Anna Thorvaldst­ottir.

The eight lucky composers are:

Goi Ywei Chern- A Singaporea­n composer and guitarist based in London.

Pernille Faye- A Norwegian/Irish composer based in London.

Dumfries House will be the venue. Image: Tommy Samson, Cumnock Chronicle Camera Club

Jeffrey Fong- A Cantonese composer currently based in Montréal, Canada.

Pranav Ranjit- An American composer based in Europe.

Dominic Wright- A London-based composer. Efe Yüksel- A composer, performer and electronic musician from zmir/Turkey, currently based in London.

Tymon Zgorzelski- An emerging composer from Poland.

Vila Zhang- A composer and pianist studying at The University of Manchester for a master’s in compositio­n.

The Tryst says the culminatio­n of the learning experience will be a public performanc­e at Dumfries House on August 10, led by a profession­al ensemble which will showcase a string ensemble and contrabass clarinet.

The public performanc­e at the end of the Summer School also marks the debut of the new Festival Ensemble.

Tickets are on sale for this performanc­e online.

You can also purchase tickets for a special event consisting of an explorator­y talk with James MacMillan and Anna Thorvaldsd­ottir, the two composers leading this brand-new Tryst Summer School.

Tickets can also be purchased online, with both events being free.

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