Cumnock Chronicle

Free dance lessons for Ayrshire kids

- Darren Gibson

AYRSHIRE’S young dance enthusiast­s are set to benefit from dance lessons in a beautiful Ayrshire surroundin­g taught by a prestigiou­s performing arts school.

Young people in primaries 4 to 7 can immerse themselves in the wonderful world of the performing arts with the Royal Conservato­ire of Scotland (RCS).

The RCS - previously known as the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama - has a special partnershi­p with The King’s Foundation at Dumfries House and East Ayrshire Council to deliver dance lessons to hundreds of young people across Ayrshire.

The classes are free to ensure as many people as possible can engage with highqualit­y dance tuition.

Students learn from expert RCS staff in the beautiful surroundin­gs of this historic country estate.

Staff create a vibrant, happy and encouragin­g environmen­t to empower and nurture students to fulfil their artistic potential, develop life skills and explore a world of possibilit­ies within the arts and far beyond.

It’s also a chance to meet other young people who share their passion for dance.

Each dance class has live musical accompanim­ent allowing young people to work collaborat­ively with musicians and dance lecturers to further develop their dance and musicality skills.

The Pre-Junior Conservato­ire of Dance programme aims to inspire and teach the next generation of dancers starting with core skills at an early education level.

The classes, for Ayrshire residents in Primaries 4 to 7, are delivered as part of the RCS Junior Conservato­ire and open to all levels no prior experience is necessary, it’s all about potential and enthusiasm.

Classes also offer a progressio­n route for those who wish to take their learning further.

The Royal Conservato­ire of Scotland is consistent­ly ranked in the world top ten for performing arts education.

Based in Glasgow, it offers specialist tuition across music, drama, dance, production, film and education.

Suzanne Shanks, dance lecturer at the Royal Conservato­ire of Scotland’s Junior Conservato­ire of Drama, Dance, Production and Film, said: “On Tuesday evenings, I have the pleasure of teaching a wonderful group of warm and friendly students at Dumfries House.

“When I arrive, the dancers are always bursting to tell me their news from the weekend and to show me dances and steps they’ve been learning with friends.

“We enjoy an energetic and fun evening dancing to live music and creating our own movement. It’s brilliant to see both teachers and students sharing a love for music and dance.”

Find out more by emailing juniorsdan­ and on the RCS website (rcs.

 ?? Blair: James: Demi: ?? Blair, James and Demi are all looking forward to next week. Image: East Ayrshire Council
THIS time on Monday the gifts will have been unwrapped, the sweet treats will have been devoured (well, some of them, at least) and the new toys and games will be getting a thorough trial run as the dust settles on another Christmas Day.
In the run-up to the main event, we heard from pupils at Lochnorris Primary to find out what tops their wish list for Santa Claus.
This excited group of youngsters had a few surprises in store when asked what their number one present would be this year, and when it comes to their favourite part of the day they just can’t wait to see what’s underneath the Christmas tree.
Five-year-old Blair is looking forward to spending time with all of her family and her favourite part of Christmas is opening her presents from Santa Claus.
James is looking forward his Christmas dinner.
The eight-year-old’s gran pulls out the big table and makes loads of food.
His favourite thing about Christmas is the people he spends it with.
Demi, 11, is looking forward to lots of long lies and opening some presents.
Her favourite thing about the holidays is chilling with her family.
Lochnorris Primary School would like to wish all of their Lochnorris families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year when it comes.
Blair: James: Demi: Blair, James and Demi are all looking forward to next week. Image: East Ayrshire Council THIS time on Monday the gifts will have been unwrapped, the sweet treats will have been devoured (well, some of them, at least) and the new toys and games will be getting a thorough trial run as the dust settles on another Christmas Day. In the run-up to the main event, we heard from pupils at Lochnorris Primary to find out what tops their wish list for Santa Claus. This excited group of youngsters had a few surprises in store when asked what their number one present would be this year, and when it comes to their favourite part of the day they just can’t wait to see what’s underneath the Christmas tree. Five-year-old Blair is looking forward to spending time with all of her family and her favourite part of Christmas is opening her presents from Santa Claus. James is looking forward his Christmas dinner. The eight-year-old’s gran pulls out the big table and makes loads of food. His favourite thing about Christmas is the people he spends it with. Demi, 11, is looking forward to lots of long lies and opening some presents. Her favourite thing about the holidays is chilling with her family. Lochnorris Primary School would like to wish all of their Lochnorris families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year when it comes.
 ?? ?? Each dance class has live musical accompanim­ent allowing young people to work corroborat­ively with musicians and dance lecturers (Image: RCS)
Each dance class has live musical accompanim­ent allowing young people to work corroborat­ively with musicians and dance lecturers (Image: RCS)

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