Cumnock Chronicle

Salon owner named ‘Achiever of the Year’

- Neil Smith

THE owner of an Auchinleck salon has been named ‘Achiever of the Year’ at a major industry event in London.

Marlene Lamont, of Urban Hair and Beauty, won the prize at the Fellowship for British Hairdressi­ng’s annual Luncheon and Hair Awards in London.

And the icing on the cake came when Marlene was named a ‘Fellow with Honours’ by the industry body at the glitzy awards, held at the Londoner Hotel on Leicester Square.

Marlene said on Facebook after the big win: “It’s definitely been the highlight of my career.

“I’m truly overwhelme­d and so, so honoured. I’m over the moon.”

“Massive congratula­tions to all the finalists and winners. You are absolutely brilliant.”

Marlene, a former pupil of Auchinleck Academy, was one of seven ‘Achiever of the Year’ winners honoured at the event, taking away the title of Project Extend Achiever of the Year - specifical­ly for stylists whose speciality is hair extensions.

A spokespers­on for the multi award winning salon, on Barony Road, Auchinleck, said on Facebook: “Marlene works so hard day in and day out not only in the salon but travelling to London through out the year to attend these projects and other fellowship events.

“She puts her life and soul into her work and it’s amazing seeing

“We are so, so proud of her achievemen­ts this year and she is such an inspiratio­n to us in the salon.”

Marlene, who lives in Cumnock, made the finals after winning her way through an earlier round in Leeds in November - at which one of the salon’s own team, Leona McConnell, was one of the models.

Congratula­tions to Marlene from all at the Chronicle. it being recognised.

 ?? ?? Marlene gets her award from chair and Project Extend leader Michelle Griffin and president Robert Eaton Image: Urban Hair
Marlene gets her award from chair and Project Extend leader Michelle Griffin and president Robert Eaton Image: Urban Hair

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