Coventry Telegraph

Council must reconsider felling of trees for cycleway

- B Rhodes, Coventry.

AS someone who has lived in Binley all my life, and whose childhood home was very nearby Clifford Bridge Road, the proposal to fell 26 beautiful trees along it really dismays me.

I’m no green fanatic by any means, but these trees add greatly to the natural environmen­t and have stood for decades. Surely the council must reconsider their plans for this final stretch of the cycle path?

I have signed the online petition on - ‘Save Clifford Bridge Road Trees. Stop The Cycle Lane Project Destroying Our Green Space’ and would urge all of my fellow concerned Binley residents to do the same.

P. Sheehan, Coventry.

EW Finch, Coventry.

Wasted money

IT is not that the ring road is dangerous it is people not knowing how to drive safely.

The ring road is a great innovation and has served Coventry well for many years. If you think about it , before its time too.

Originally it was heated so that no snow or frost could stop traffic. In recent years it has been changed and its purpose altered but it’s still a quick way for traffic to pass the centre of Coventry with no hold ups. I

It’s ok criticisin­g but think how much better it is than driving through the centre of a town to get to the other side of the city.

The thing that is annoying is the amount of money being wasted on these fabulous cycle lanes when you never see anyone riding on them. Is it a future plan to close the city to motor vehicles , not everyone can ride a bike. Wouldn’t it be better to improve the roads with the big cash amounts involved. It’s a bit of a joke.

 ?? ?? Visitors with umbrellas in the rainy weather at Bibury village in Gloucester­shire. Ben Birchall/pa Wire
Visitors with umbrellas in the rainy weather at Bibury village in Gloucester­shire. Ben Birchall/pa Wire

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