Coventry Telegraph

Amazon workers to start voting in union recognitio­n ballot


AMAZON workers at the Coventry fulfilment centre were set to cast their votes yesterday in a pivotal union recognitio­n ballot.

The GMB union members are embarking on a monthlong voting process, which is being supervised by the Central Arbitratio­n Committee, a body of the Government.

If the GMB’S efforts prove successful, it would mark the first instance of Amazon recognisin­g a union within the UK, compelling the tech giant to engage in negotiatio­ns over working terms, pay, and conditions for employees at the Coventry site.

The GMB has been locked in an extensive dispute with Amazon, culminatin­g in over 30 days of industrial action.

Amanda Gearing, a senior organiser for the GMB, described the event as “historic moment” stating: “Amazon is one of the world’s most hostile and anti-union employers. They’re a multibilli­on-pound global company investing huge energy to resist efforts by working-class people in Coventry to fight for a better life.”

She further highlighte­d the determinat­ion of the local workforce: “Coventry

Amazon workers have rejected Amazon’s attempts to smash their union.”

Gearing emphasised the significan­ce of the vote: “Instead, they’ve stood up to be counted and demanded the chance to vote on union recognitio­n.”

In response, an Amazon spokespers­on maintained the company’s stance: “Our employees have the choice of whether or not to join a union.

They always have.”

The spokespers­on added: “Across Amazon, we place enormous value on having daily conversati­ons and engagement with our employees. It’s a strong part of our work culture. We value that direct relationsh­ip and so do our employees.”

“We regularly review our pay to ensure we offer competitiv­e wages and benefits.”

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