Coventry Telegraph

How to get kids to eat their veg without it costing you the Earth



ALTHOUGH most parents know eating vegetables is great for their kids, many still don’t serve them much – for two very good reasons.

Children often don’t like vegetables, and a lot of parents think they’re too expensive.

Indeed, research by the British Nutrition Foundation (BNF), found 45% of parents believe healthy food being more expensive than unhealthy foods makes it harder to give their children a healthy meal, although more than half (56%) said discounts on healthier foods would encourage them to provide a healthy diet for their children.

In addition, many parents said a major barrier to getting their children to eat vegetables was that kids prefer processed foods (38%), and they simply refuse to eat vegetables (37%).

The BNF is encouragin­g parents to have a ‘Veggie Victory’ with their children, by aiming to serve them two types of vegetables at dinner every night – and stressing that while parents should encourage children to try veg, they shouldn’t be dishearten­ed if they won’t eat them.

The Veggie Victory page on the BNF website offers a healthy eating reward chart to use with children, as well as a factsheet, recipes and ideas for vegetables on a budget, with a list of vegetables that are less than 50p a portion on average.

Bridget Benelam, the BNF’S nutrition communicat­ions manager, explains that, although some children may initially reject certain vegetables, parents shouldn’t stop serving them, as sometimes they might need to be offered between five and 15 times before a child accepts them.

“We all know it’s important for children to eat plenty of vegetables, but it can be really difficult when you make the effort to provide a healthy dinner and the vegetables are left on the side of the plate,” says Bridget, who points out that it’s important for parents to try and keep mealtimes as positive and stress-free as possible, encouragin­g children to try vegetables and praising them, even if they only try a little. “Avoid telling children off or punishing them for not eating vegetables,” she advises.

Bridget says another way to encourage children to eat well is for parents to be good role models themselves, saying: “If you eat with your children and they see you enjoying vegetables, they are more likely to try them.” But what if parents just can’t afford to buy the vegetables in the first place?

“When budgets are tight, it’s especially frustratin­g to waste food,” says Bridget. “The good news is there are more affordable options when it comes to buying vegetables.”

She says carrots and packaged beetroot are some of the cheapest options, at about 6p and 10p per portion each, and frozen vegetables such as peas, spinach, cauliflowe­r and broccoli can be great value at less than 15p a portion. In addition, canned vegetables such as tomatoes, chickpeas and sweetcorn are decent value too, at around 10p-20p a portion.

But if you’re looking for real bargain veg, there are plenty of options, promises personal finance expert Jasmine Birtles, founder of Money Magpie.

“If you know where to look, there are fruit and veg bargains all over the place,” she says, point- ing out that Lidl offers a box of fruit and veg containing around 5kg of good produce that will keep the family going for a few days for just £1.50, and Morrisons has a wonky veg section of oddshaped fruit and veg that costs a bit less than ‘normal’ shaped items, but tastes just as good.

She says: “I’m a big fan of ‘freeganism’, where you get to know when grocers put good food into bins outside the shop at the end of the day and you go in and pick it out for yourself. Most supermarke­ts don’t allow it but some independen­t shops are quite laid back about people taking stuff from their bins and even put them out on the pavement for people to access easily.”

However, Jasmine says a rather more organised way to get free food is through your local ‘pantry’.

She says: “Most towns across the UK have a pantry where local grocers and restaurant­s will leave food they can’t sell so that locals can pick it up.”

She says families can try looking on Facebook to find out where their local pantry is, and there’s also the charity UK Harvest, which has food hubs around the country where they distribute surplus food, and apps like Olio, where neighbours and local businesses give away spare food, and Too Good to Go, where you can get cheap food at the end of the day from cafes and supermarke­ts.

“Finally, of course, if you have a garden it’s really worth getting into growing your own,” suggests Jasmine.

“It can cost in terms of seeds and compost but it’s a great way to get really good tasting and nutritious fruit and veg.

“Even if you don’t have a garden you can grow them in pots in the house and on the windowsill.”

When budgets are tight, it’s especially frustratin­g to waste food Bridget Benelam, of the British Nutrition Foundation

 ?? ?? You may have to offer the vegetable several times before your child gives it a try
You may have to offer the vegetable several times before your child gives it a try
 ?? ?? Involve kids in growing your family’s veg and they’ll be keen to sample the results
Involve kids in growing your family’s veg and they’ll be keen to sample the results
 ?? ?? BARGAIN: Embrace misshapen vegetables
BARGAIN: Embrace misshapen vegetables

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