Coventry Telegraph

Warning to dog owners after oil spill


DOG owners are being urged to keep their dogs away from a Nuneaton lake hit by an oil spill.

It has been almost a month since Bermuda Lake was contaminat­ed with oil.

Severn Trent have put a number of measures in place to clean up the popular lake, but Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council continues to urge locals to stay away from the water and keep pets on a lead around the lake.

Several oil-covered birds had to be rescued by the RSPCA and taken for urgent treatment following the oil spill on May 15. Severn Trent previously said that a ‘third party’ was believed to be responsibl­e and investigat­ions are ongoing.

The water company has since

confirmed that evidence suggests the spill originated upstream. The firm says it has taken the following action to protect the lake:

Installed protective oil absorbent booms around each outfall on May 16 which are monitored and maintained regularly

Appointed a specialist firm to complete clean-up work, including skimming to remove the oil, performing boom maintenanc­e, and completing any additional safety precaution­s

Survey assets to ensure all provisions are working as designed

Conducted tracing activities to determine the source of the spill

Appointed their Trade Effluent team to engage with local businesses to ensure compliance with discharge consents

The borough council has said that Severn Trent has also confirmed that there has been no sign of additional oil entering the lake. They say that the precaution­s taken will remain in place while investigat­ions are ongoing. “The council continues to work closely with Severn Trent and the Environmen­t Agency to monitor the situation carefully and play its part in ensuring that similar events are prevented from occurring in the future,” a Town Hall spokespers­on said.

 ?? ?? Bermuda Lake
Bermuda Lake

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