Coventry Telegraph

‘Drinking is boring’


- BY ELLIE IORIZZO News Reporter

BROADCASTE­R Adrian Chiles has said he wants to communicat­e “just how dreary” drinking alcohol is.

Midland-born Chiles helmed the 2018 BBC documentar­y Drinkers Like Me, in which a doctor warned him he could not continue his level of drinking of up to 100 units a week.

In 2022, he released a book titled The Good Drinker: How I Learned To Love Drinking Less, having learnt how to moderate his drinking behaviours.

Appearing in front of the Health and Social Care Committee to discuss how to prevent harms caused by alcohol, Chiles said: “If I won the lottery, I would get an ad campaign going out which would be ‘drinking is boring.’ “Drinking mainly, it’s boring.

“It makes you boring, and it becomes boring if you do too much of it.

“I thought about doing a picture book or a book of photos or a newspaper article about shots of people drinking boringly. Surprising­ly I couldn’t find any takers for this idea, but it’s a way of communicat­ing just how dreary it is.”

Chiles previously said he had been drinking more or less every day since the age of 15.

The 57-year-old told the committee that the “power of social norm” is something to consider, “compounded by the fact that most drinkers like me would surround themselves with other drinkers”.

“In the four years I was at university in London, let’s say I made roughly 30 friends and acquaintan­ces – by an absolutely astounding coincidenc­e every single one of them was a drinker.

“So I just sought those people out, they sought me out. If there’s a day I’d meet them, we’d meet for a drink, that’s what we do.”

During the session, Chiles revealed how he learnt to drink less.

He said: “The first drink gives you a change of state, you feel maybe better about things. The second drink less so, the third drink, hardly at all.

“So if you drink and drink and drink, every drink you have is just in vain and a hopeless and doomed attempt to recreate the feeling that first drink gave you, and I believe that’s true.”

Chiles also said he felt “hopeful” that the younger generation were starting to drink less, but suggested that changes needed to be made about the term alcoholism.

“I just think that really does put people off, that frightens people off from dealing with it,” he said.

“Now for some drinkers, don’t get me wrong, it is (an) absolutely appropriat­e way to give up completely for several months or a year or forever. I get that.

“But there is another way... if you’re drinking 56 units a week, the truth is you’re going to struggle anytime soon to get down to 14 units a week (low-risk drinking guidelines).

“But that’s not to say you shouldn’t try.”

 ?? ?? Adrian Chiles was warned not to drink too much by a doctor
Adrian Chiles was warned not to drink too much by a doctor

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