Country Walking Magazine (UK)



Walker and Pevensey Plungers wild swimmer Vikki Potten tests this all-in-one towel, overcoat and changing screen.

WHITE WATER Soft Shell Dry Robe

RRP: £130 Target price: £130

I gave this its debut after a morning swim on a chilly Sussex coast, with a gusty easterly wind whipping about. It didn’t disappoint. With its water-repellent outer fabric and fleecy inner lining, it did a fantastic job of keeping me snug afterwards – and has done so many times since. It’s more flexible and less bulky than my old robe, which makes changing underneath easier, and the zips are easy to operate even with frozen fingers. It o†ers plenty of features not common to cheaper robes, too: adjustable cu†s, a two-way zip, hood adjustment and a waterproof chest pocket. It weighs 1.3kg dry; bulk is a given with dry-robes by nature, and of course they get even heavier once they have absorbed water post-swim. But I compared it with robes worn by my fellow Plungers and it’s still considerab­ly lighter and more packable than most. White Water’s claim that it folds down to ‘no larger than a jumper’ is a bit of an exaggerati­on, but it stores itself neatly enough in my 50L swim bag. That said, it’s still a hefty beast if you’re on a ‘proper’ walk: it will fill a big chunk of a 20L day-pack before you’ve even had a chance to add your lunch. So if you’re really into the hike-and-swim lifestyle, you’ll want a bigger pack to accommodat­e one of these. But if you just love a short walk to seashore or lakeside and want a stylish and practical change robe – one that will draw envious looks from others who might be shivering around you – this is what you’re after. I did love my previous robe, but this one has, um, blown it out of the water. whitewater­

 ?? ?? This snug and warm robe will make you the envy of your shivering fellowswim­mers.
This snug and warm robe will make you the envy of your shivering fellowswim­mers.
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