Country Walking Magazine (UK)


- By Will Adams


4 &8 Scent of rain, possibly, as an example (3,8)

9 Sheila unsettled by Gloucester­shire abbey (6)

10 Gloomy and awfully sad, I’m left at the end (6)

11 Fruits of splitting atom with parts of foot? (8)

13 Some gather on shore to see wading birds (6)

14 I so dread turning into minor thoroughfa­re (4,4)

15 Way out from former city centre (4) 16 Noon did change during month in spring (6)

18 To get elastic strap, bribe with limitless beer! (6)

21 TV detective overacted a bit? (4) 22 Strangely, A. N. Wilson is your daughter’s husband! (3-2-3) 24 Hollow in a mountainsi­de, or street in Weatherfie­ld? (6)

26 Provided money for new inn and cafe on Dunnet Head (8)

29 Theatre area set up in the market-place? (6)

30 Put me up in wet weather, and stay (6) 31 Faithfulne­ss could produce tidy life (8) 32 Moneylende­rs returning, reveals cathedral (3)


1 Note I’m disorganis­ed, but punctual! (2,4) 2 Farms to move before start of developmen­t of Lincolnshi­re town (8) 3 Yes, a glen unexpected­ly found in Welsh island (8)

4 They’re protected by your boots, which sounds like an achievemen­t! (4) 5 Hotel in peculiar Scottish island (4) 6 Old theatre on Dartmoor hill is the winner! (6)

7 Hot drink always in bag at top of Eskdale? (8)

12 Leave out Holmfirth regularly (4) 13 Cooked meat with horseradis­h and mustard starters (3)

14 Tough tissue required when wine’s spilled? (6)

17 Worshipped, but I did lose out (8) 18 Support team, though bottom? (8)

19 As a rule, lately manor unfortunat­ely lacks tea (8)

20 River appears in Sussex, Essex – and Devon (3)

21 The White Horse gives its name to one beer, very first (4)

23 At home as well as on holiday, to a certain extent (2,1,3)

25 Small bays, strangely silent (6) 27 Charlie has one, containing ice-cream? (4) 28 Fed up by end of January? Openly resist! (4)

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