Country Walking Magazine (UK)

‘I’m still alive – and positive!’


To be on 1100 miles by this stage is amazing – to do it having recently had your second shock cancer diagnosis in as many years defies belief. Catherine Nanette Duggan, 52, from Chichester is a model of mile-munching resilience! ‘In February 2023 I saw my GP as it was taking me forever to eat a meal and soon learned I had cancer of the oesophagus. But they said that due to my walking I would have the best chance of recovery. In August I had an eight-hour op, and after three weeks was up to walking to my local shop – best walk ever! I built up from there and finished the year on 2000 miles.

‘At a checkup in March this year I was declared all clear, and I was up to as much as 10 miles a day when in April I started getting headaches, and suddenly couldn’t walk as far. When 1½ miles was the absolute limit I sought urgent medical attention. It was a brain tumour. I had it out last month – and I’m glad to say I’m still alive and positive!

‘All the walking, nature and the #walk1000mi­les group posts have kept me going and I see it all as just a little blip! Now I’m looking forward to two weeks in Scotland with hubby and dog Jess for two weeks, building up my walking again, and I can tell you I appreciate more each day! I’m on 1100 miles, and while I can only walk a mile a day at the moment I love seeing the places people explore in the Facebook group. It has helped so much when I’m not able to get out. All the great support and inspiratio­n helps me remember however bad times get, they won’t last forever!’

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