Country Living (UK)

Seek Norway’s NORTHERN LIGHTS with expedition photograph­er DOUG ALLAN

Voyage into the Arctic Circle – save 25 per cent on a round trip from Bergen and witness nature’s magical light show


The spectacula­r Norwegian coastline is one of Europe’s most incredible landscapes and, at the right time of year, is the perfect place to go searching for the ethereal Northern Lights. The twinkling sky show of the aurora borealis has fascinated mankind for generation­s and must be seen to be believed. If you aren’t lucky enough to catch the Northern Lights during your cruise, you will be given a free six- or seven-day Classic Voyage the year after.

Next March, you have the chance to hunt for these mesmerisin­g lights on a unique voyage sailing Norway’s northernmo­st waters, where your chances of spotting the dazzling aurora borealis are very high. Your expert onboard team will host a series of insightful lectures and help you get the most out of this Arctic adventure.

Your cruise begins in Bergen, the gateway to the fjords. From here, you’ll set sail for 12 days, spending half the voyage above the Arctic Circle, exploring from the comfort of your modern and comfortabl­e ship, MS Midnatsol.

Making this once-in-a-lifetime voyage even more special is the company of wildlife photograph­er and cameraman Doug Allan, who will deliver a fascinatin­g talk about his career and host a Q&A as well as a photograph­y workshop. Doug joins the cruise for three days, and will accompany you on an Arctic coastal walk, sharing his expertise and insights.


You’ll pass through more than 100 fjords, including the breathtaki­ng Nordfjord, one of Norway’s largest. In the winter, these tranquil bodies of water transform into wonderland­s of snow-capped peaks, icy waterfalls and serene, white landscapes.


You’ll have ample time to explore the Arctic capital of Tromsø, known for its Arctic Cathedral, built in 1965 and with an impressive glass mosaic window. You might also choose to catch the tram up to the epic Storsteine­n mountain for wonderful views.


Sailing the Norwegian Arctic in winter means that you’ll have a high chance of spotting the magical Northern

Lights. Watching these ethereal ribbons of light dancing across the night sky above Norway’s spectacula­r landscapes is an unforgetta­ble experience.


Norway has incredible wildlife waiting to be discovered, including hooded crows, sea eagles, puffins, Arctic foxes, orcas and humpback whales.


Sailing with Norway experts Hurtigrute­n, your home for the trip will be the modern ship MS Midnatsol, with its classic Art Deco style, three restaurant­s, sauna, fitness room, two hot tubs, sun deck and Explorer lounge. Enjoy an informal and relaxed atmosphere while on board.


Joining you for three days of your voyage will be former research diver and scientist, and one of the principal cameramen on David Attenborou­gh’s The Blue Planet and Planet Earth, Doug Allan. Doug will share his expert tips on capturing beautiful landscapes and incredible wildlife on camera during a talk and Q&A, and on a special excursion during your trip, an Arctic coastal walk.

Look out for Norway’s incredible wildlife including Arctic foxes and sea eagles

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