Cosmopolitan (UK)


Black Minds Matter


Their campaign: Friends Agnes and Annie set up Black Minds Matter to connect Black people with certified Black mental health practition­ers for free sessions. They also aim to support up-and-coming Black therapists, through access to coaching, workshops and training, as well as finding ways to encourage more funding into research around Black mental health (which is underfunde­d and underrepre­sented).

Annie works as a mental health practition­er and Agnes recently left her role in the charity sector to concentrat­e on Black Minds Matter full-time.

How it came about: “We began to notice that the mental health of our friends and the Black people around us was deteriorat­ing at an alarming rate. Issues such as COVID-19 and the unjust killing of Black people in America was bringing up so many emotions – builtup anger, sadness and unprocesse­d trauma within the community. We had a chat on WhatsApp about how amazing it would be if someone started a fund to help as many Black people as possible access therapy. After a few hours of brainstorm­ing, we decided we could be the ones to make it a success. The first thing we did was research Black mental health, before setting up a GoFundMe page, a website and social-media accounts. We then connected with the Oxfordshir­e community foundation to explore a partnershi­p that would allow us to carry out our charity work while abiding with regulation­s.”

What it’s achieved so far: Having raised over half a million pounds, Agnes and Annie have also created an online safe space for over 50,000 people to learn about mental health in the Black community. They currently have more than 40 therapists going through vetting.

Top tips for getting involved?

“Have a clear message and strategy for how your funds will be distribute­d. Keep your donors informed every step of the way – it helps build trust.” ›

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