Computer Active (UK)

What changed my PDF viewer’s interface?


For years, I’ve been able to view Q and navigate PDFS in the same way. But recently, when I open a PDF the interface had changed. The control icons are now scattered all over the place, where before most – if not all – were in a single row at the top. I can’t remember exactly how it’s changed but it just seems all messed up now.

The icons themselves also look a bit dierent, though again in a way I can’t really describe. I also can no longer do some things I used to be able to do, like type a number to jump to a specific page. Do you have any idea what might have happened here? Could this be the result of a malware infection? How do I put things back the way they were? Ivan Foster

A First, don’t panic – we’re confident this isn’t the result of a malware infection. You didn’t tell us which PDF viewer you’re using but, from the descriptio­n of your experience, we’re sure it’s Acrobat Reader. Adobe, the company behind this popular Pdf-viewer app, has been rolling out a new layout for the last few months. It sounds like your turn for the update has arrived.

The new look has received a mixed reception, with many users as confused as yourself. Fortunatel­y, for now at least, it’s easy to revert back to the old design – but there’s no reason that the average user will know that. But all you need to do is click to open the File menu and then choose ‘Disable new Acrobat Reader’ (see screenshot) then restart the app. In the unlikely event you decide to embrace the new look, open the Edit menu and choose ‘Enable new Acrobat Reader’.

 ?? ?? Click this option to revert to the previous version of Adobe Acrobat Reader
Click this option to revert to the previous version of Adobe Acrobat Reader

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