


Mount Stewart is a rare Arts and Crafts garden set on the shores of Strangford Lough in County Down, Northern Ireland, the largest sea inlet in the British Isles. Its artistic garden ‘rooms’, which are filled with a superb plant collection, were created by Edith, Lady Londonderr­y in the early 20th century.

But climate change may change all this, as modelling predicts that the famous Formal Gardens will be consumed by salt and rainwater sometime in the next 100 years, as a result of warmer summers, wetter winters and rising sea levels.

The National Trust team in charge are making detailed plans for the future, including maintainin­g the historic ‘sea plantation’ which shelters the area near the house, and introducin­g plants that are more resilient to windy and salty conditions.

Says head gardener, Mike Buffin: “Over time, we’ll create a new garden in the spirit of the existing Formal Gardens further into the estate.” Their work on climate adaptation has garnered them an award from the European Garden Heritage Network. nationaltr­

Solo travel is more popular than ever, and leading walking and special interest company HF Holidays reports a 35 per cent increase in bookings this year. On HF trips you can go solo, but you’re never alone, with a choice of up to three different guided walks a day. Geographic­ally you won’t get lost and you certainly won’t feel lost in the evening because dining and other activities are communal.

Full board and ensuite accommodat­ion in one of HF’s 16 country houses across the UK is included in the price, and there’s no single room supplement either. For example, three-night South Downs guided walking trips run until November and cost from £439 per person. You’ll take in ancient woodland, hidden valleys and dramatic coastline along the way.

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