Closer (UK)

With the latest civilian version of Race Across The World hitting our screens, Closer catches up with three pairs of travellers…


Why did you want to take part?

MOTHER AND DAUGHTER EUGENIE AND ISABEL: EUGENIE, 60: I do anything I can to keep my kids happy!

ISABEL, 25: I thought it would be something cool for us to bond over. Mum and I are not as close as we could be.

MOTHER AND DAUGHTER SHARON AND BRYDIE: SHARON, 52: We watched the show together and thought,

“We could do this…”


STEPHEN, 61: Just the sense of adventure and the fun.

Have you got a strategy? EUGENIE: We might draw some visuals in terms of trying to find different forms of transport – for hitchhikin­g instead of doing the thumbs.

BRYDIE, 25: Not really…

We’re winging it.

VIV, 65: If the others look like they know what they’re doing, we’ll run after them! How have you prepared? ISABEL: We’ve walked around parks with weights and backpacks…

EUGENIE: We weighed ourselves down with dumbbells and all kinds of things – our rucksacks are absolutely crazy heavy. BRYDIE: We didn’t do any research on Japan and I’m glad! It’s not going to be upsetting if we don’t experience something we may have wanted to.

VIV: I’ve never possessed a rucksack before, but we started going for walks with them… STEPHEN: Gardening in them, basically – we stuffed them full of trowels.

What kind of travellers are you? ISABEL: Mum likes a pool, jacuzzi and sauna if she can. SHARON: I’ll probably be more at home roughing it than at a five-star hotel.

BRYDIE: We can sleep anywhere, we’re good like that.

STEPHEN: We’re well holidayed… VIV: On our first holiday, we camped. That didn’t go well

– we came back the next day.

In it to win it?

EUGENIE: I am very competitiv­e, and the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

ISABEL: I don’t think I’m as bad as you are though!

BRYDIE: Together, we’re competitiv­e – we’re deadly, ones to watch…

SHARON: We’re bringing it home.

Your biggest challenge? ISABEL: Patience with one another, that’s the key.

EUGENIE: Isabel’s biggest challenge will be anything with more than two legs.

ISABEL: I’m OK with animals, I’m just not the biggest fan of insects – but I think I could cope… STEPHEN: We wouldn’t be here if we didn’t want to win. The kids would never live it down if we came home early!

And travelling without a mobile phone or credit cards?

ISABEL: I feel naked already; it’s going to be difficult. EUGENIE: We’ll get by, for me it’s more about no contact with family and friends.

BRYDIE: It’s the best thing I’ve ever done, I’m loving it!

VIV: Stephen is constantly on his phone and is going to struggle the most…

STEPHEN: I’ll miss the iPad…

 ?? ?? Sharon and Brydie
Sharon and Brydie
 ?? ?? Isabel and Eugenie
Isabel and Eugenie
 ?? ?? Stephen and Viv
Stephen and Viv

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