Carmarthen Journal




Consumer confidence has bounced back despite the ongoing cost-of-living concerns as consumers look set to enjoy the festive season.

Market research firm Gfk’s long-running Consumer Confidence Index rose by six points in November, although it still languishes at minus 24.

Confidence in the general economy over the next 12 months also increased by six points to minus 26, which is 32 points higher than a year ago.

GFK client strategy director Joe Staton said: “Consumer confidence strengthen­ed in November with improvemen­ts across all measures.

“Although the overall score is still tracking firmly in negative territory, it is good to see that consumers are more optimistic about their personal financial situation. This shows people are thinking about their future with increased confidence and willingnes­s to look beyond the short term.

“Despite the acute cost-ofliving pressures, many would still like to loosen their purse strings just a little so they can enjoy that feelgood factor we all associate with the festive season.”

‘Giving Trees’ are returning to Waitrose and John Lewis shops this festive season, helping to raise donations for the

John Lewis Partnershi­p’s Building Happier Futures programme.

Customers can pick up a gift tag from the tree and take it to the checkout, where they can directly donate the amount they’d like to give.

Donation tags range from £2 to £25, with donations split between the Partnershi­p’s Building Happier Futures charity partners – Action for Children, Who Cares? Scotland and Homestart UK.

Last year £600,000 was donated by generous customers, contributi­ng towards the programme’s target of £1.1million.

Customers can also donate online at and at

 ?? ?? Higher financial confidence could boost spending this Christmas
Higher financial confidence could boost spending this Christmas
 ?? ?? The Giving Trees
The Giving Trees

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