Car Mechanics (UK)

Easy2recru­it seeks to fill openings for part-time staff

- Martyn Knowles brings you news and product reviews from the automotive industry

▶ Easy2recru­it, the agency helping garages hire overseas talent, has launched ‘Student2sk­ill’. The innovative initiative is designed to pair internatio­nal students studying in the UK with garages looking for part-time workers. These students can undertake up to 20 hours of work per week, obtaining valuable practical skills and potentiall­y vocational qualificat­ions in the process. The businesses gain the opportunit­y to fill skills gaps with dedicated staff.

Within the automotive sector, the problems of skills shortages remain extremely acute. Easy2recru­it founder

Ambi Singh, himself an owner of successful independen­t garage businesses, struck upon the idea of accessing overseas talent after becoming frustrated with the constant difficulti­es of finding and retaining skilled technician­s.

The student labour pool is significan­t. The number of overseas university-level students in the UK has been growing for many years, rising from 442,000 in 2014/15 to 680,000 in 2022/23.

Many internatio­nal students are eager to learn new skills and gain employment because their post-study options can be limited without a job. Employers can apply to extend the duration of employment under a ‘Skilled Worker’ Certificat­e of Sponsorshi­p (COS) Visa for up to five years through the Home Office. This enables both employers and students to invest in developing careers progressin­g into full-time technician roles.

Garages wanting to find out more about Easy2recru­it’s innovative staffing solutions, including taking on mature students part-time under the new Student2sk­ill initiative, can visit www.easy2recru­ and enquire from the website.

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