Campbeltown Courier

Islay triumph at annual Duncan TT MacDougall Memorial tournament


Eleven men’s teams and three women’s teams converged on Cil Andreis playing field on Saturday June 29 for the third annual Duncan TT MacDougall Memorial Shield tournament.

The format was seven-a-side football with three smaller parks being used at the one time to keep the matches coming thick and fast.

The teams split into three sections with Tekkers Slovakia, Campbeltow­n Warriors, Lochgilphe­ad Arsenal and Islay FC pushing through to the semi-final stage, which was fitting as it gave representa­tion from Kintyre, Tarbert, Mid

Argyll and Islay. The semi-finals were close affairs with the Tekkers overcoming the Warriors 5-4 on penalties after a 0-0 draw, and Islay defeating

Lochgilphe­ad 3-1 in the other semi-final.

In the round robin women’s section, Campbeltow­n Pupils ladies were triumphant.

In the final itself the more experience­d Islay boys had a firm grip on the game and were one up at half time.

They added a second goal early in the second half and despite a red card, they held on for victory.

Shortly after they took the lead, Niall McCormick received two yellows back to back to put Islay on the back foot. After a backs-to-the-wall final 10 minutes, Islay lifted the shield.

Players and fans retired to Tarbert Bowling Club where event organiser Jonathan Scott took charge of proceeding­s.

He thanked the referees and everyone who took part - from the players to the food sellers to all the helpers making the event such a fantastic day.

He called upon Duncan’s wife Dawn and sister Alison to present the medals and shield to the winning team.

This year’s chosen charity was the Beatson Cancer Support Group, with a fantastic total of £1,334.50 being raised for this worthy cause.

 ?? Photograph: Bruce McNab. ?? These Campbeltow­n Pupils ladies made up one of three women’s teams taking part.
Photograph: Bruce McNab. These Campbeltow­n Pupils ladies made up one of three women’s teams taking part.
 ?? McNab. Photograph: Bruce ?? The Campbeltow­n Warriors made it through to the semi-finals.
McNab. Photograph: Bruce The Campbeltow­n Warriors made it through to the semi-finals.
 ?? Photograph: Bruce McNab. ?? Islay FC, who won the Duncan TT MacDougall Memorial Shield in Tarbert, with Dawn, Duncan’s wife and Alison, Duncan’s sister.
Photograph: Bruce McNab. Islay FC, who won the Duncan TT MacDougall Memorial Shield in Tarbert, with Dawn, Duncan’s wife and Alison, Duncan’s sister.

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