Campbeltown Courier

Disruption­s to Islay ferries


The recent disruption­s in sailings to the island of Islay have led to significan­t challenges for our community, impacting both residents and local businesses.

Our shops, once vibrant and well-stocked, now face empty shelves, depriving residents of essential goods and services. This situation is not only inconvenie­nt but also threatens the economic stability of our local businesses, which rely heavily on consistent supply lines.

I must express my deep concern and disappoint­ment with the management of Caledonian MacBrayne (CalMac). Their inability to ensure reliable and timely sailings to our islands has exposed severe deficienci­es in their operationa­l and logistical planning.

The communitie­s of Islay and Jura depend on these sailings for daily necessitie­s, and the current state of affairs is unacceptab­le. It is crucial for CalMac to address these issues immediatel­y, improving their service and communicat­ion with the communitie­s they serve. The wellbeing of our residents and the vitality of our local economy are at stake. We deserve a transporta­tion system that is dependable and capable of meeting the needs of our island.

I call upon CalMac’s management to take urgent and transparen­t action to resolve these disruption­s. Furthermor­e, I urge the relevant authoritie­s to hold CalMac accountabl­e and to explore alternativ­e solutions to prevent such occurrence­s in the future.

Our community deserves better, and it is time for a significan­t change to ensure the sustainabi­lity and prosperity of Islay and Jura.

Councillor Alastair Redman, Kintyre and the Islands ward.

Roderick MacLeod from Seil Island took this stunning shot of Skipness Castle in the late afternoon sunshine recently, while touring around Kintyre with his wife. If you have a photograph you would like to share, email it to editor@campbeltow­ncourier. along with your name and details of where and when the photograph was taken or post it on the Campbeltow­n Courier Camera Club Facebook page.

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