Campbeltown Courier

Kintyre and the Islands by-election candidates


they need support and fair financial compensati­on.

Our rural communitie­s require investment to sustain the high standards they have set. For instance, our roads department does an admirable job maintainin­g our infrastruc­ture but desperatel­y needs more investment and staff to address the deteriorat­ing network.

The education sector also requires staffing support and infrastruc­ture investment­s.

Community carers are critically underfunde­d and understaff­ed. To encourage more individual­s to join these essential roles, we must provide support, decent pay and proper appreciati­on.

We do not need over-reaching legislatio­n from central government to maintain our communitie­s’ health and happiness.

Instead, we need sensible financial commitment­s that preserve the good we already have and promote meaningful investment.

We advocate for small-scale turbines that power villages and farms rather than a flood of large turbines across our beautiful hills.

We need support for traditiona­l rural practices, not legislatio­n that hinders them.

My goal is to keep Argyll and the Islands protected, productive and ecological­ly sound.

I am not a career politician, instead I served my community as a nurse; I now want to do the same as your local councillor.

If you want a strong local voice, please consider giving me your first preference vote on July 18. onset gender dysphoria. The bankruptcy of family farms, which I learned about while standing in the South Kintyre by-election, has now spread all over the country.

Supporting a candidate in Bellshill, Glasgow, I spoke with a well-meaning MSP who had been a social worker in Drumchapel - both areas have multiple deprivatio­n. She saw the campaign priorities as gender self-ID and net zero.

In my home constituen­cy of East Dunbartons­hire, roads are reminiscen­t of the backwoods in Brazil where I taught English for years, but the council managed to find money to remove traffic lights and lower kerbs, despite massive public protest, especially from the blind, the elderly, people with reduced mobility and concerned parents.

I strongly support human rights, equality and civil liberties, but virtue is in the mean and excess is dangerous.

I can see where things are going. I have the courage to say so and – as a teacher of RMPS, a freelance academic, student of law, proofreade­r and novelist – I can say it clearly. This beautiful, peaceful ward should not be allowed to turn into a chaotic crime-ridden ghetto where parents have their children removed if they object to their overt sexualisat­ion in primary school.

Vote for common sense on July 18.

 ?? ?? Alan McManus, Freedom Alliance.
Alan McManus, Freedom Alliance.

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