Campbeltown Courier

Meet the Kintyre and the Islands by-el


in such a beautiful corner of Scotland.

This is an exciting time in Argyll and Bute Council with a new administra­tion in place and the benefit of that is already being experience­d with their reversal of the 10 per cent increase in council tax at a time when people are struggling with the rising cost of living.

If elected, I would work with the administra­tion to fulfil their ambitious plans to empower our communitie­s.

More linked public transport is required to enable movement between communitie­s for employment and recreation. I would work with providers to enhance the opportunit­ies that already exist and to highlight the need for improved infrastruc­ture.

I would work with our schools and further education establishm­ents to ensure our young people have the opportunit­y, support and resources to reach their full potential.

For older people and those who need care, I would work with providers to ensure that care is provided appropriat­ely, allowing people to remain in their own homes or a place they call home as long as it is safe to do so.

Affordable housing is and should be a priority and having served previously as depute housing spokespers­on, I am committed to pursuing every avenue with providers to bring decent homes to our communitie­s, giving people the opportunit­y to live where they choose.

If elected, I will commit to working for and representi­ng everyone in Kintyre and Islands. change in the council’s administra­tion, I now feel there is a way forward to effect positive change.

I am standing as an independen­t as I believe local authority councillor­s should work solely in the best interest of their constituen­ts – not a political party. During my time as a Ward 1 councillor, I always advocated for my constituen­ts and never conformed to toe a party line.

During my 22-year record as a councillor, further to the extensive work I did for the South Kintyre community, I was also successful with the following, which benefited Kintyre and the Islands and wider Argyll:

z Presented three petitions to Scottish Parliament: 1) campaign against the closure of rural schools, leading to the Schools (Consultati­on) (Scotland) Act 2010, which set additional requiremen­ts that councils must consider when consulting on proposals to close designated rural schools; 2) for a full-time ferry between Campbeltow­n and the central mainland – this upped the profile of the need for this service and will hopefully bear fruit in the not-too-distant future; 3) led the campaign with Councillor Dougie Philand and the late Councillor John McAlpine, as members of Argyll First, for a permanent solution at A83 Rest and Be Thankful, instigatin­g the trunking of the road between Kennacraig and

 ?? ?? Donald Kelly, Independen­t.
Donald Kelly, Independen­t.

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