Campbeltown Courier

Whisky shop’s ’tasting tours’ venture granted


Councillor­s have granted a licence for a ticketed tasting area for tours at a Campbeltow­n whisky shop.

Management from Cadenhead’s, on Union Street, also sought permission for changes to the descriptio­n of the premises, and a change to its layout to incorporat­e the tasting area.

Confirmati­on was also given to a councillor that tickets to tasting events would only be available well in advance of taking place.

The applicatio­n was heard at a meeting of the Argyll and Bute Licensing Board on Tuesday June 25.

Applicant David Wood said: “Regarding comments made by the planning department and building standards, we had the assessors over to the buildings last Wednesday.

“If there is a change of use, we do not know how long that will take, and the small building where we are doing the tastings is in the process of changing to a bonded warehouse.

“There is a change of use in for that, and I think it is about 45-55 days for that to change.”

Licensing standards officer

Eric Dearie said: “The layout and site plans show a separate building, which the applicant wishes to be included in the premises’ licence. There is no restrictio­n on this.”

Councillor Jan Brown, Mid Argyll, said: “It says it is a ticketed event. I take it they will not have people coming into the shop to go across to join; it has to be pre-booked?”

Mr Wood said: “Yes – all bookings are online. You could come into the shop and buy a ticket but not at the last minute.

“We have run this at Springbank Distillery for years, but decided to move Cadenhead’s into its own area. The tasting area will be locked the rest of the time.”

The applicatio­n was then unanimousl­y granted.

 ?? ?? A licence has been granted for a ticketed tasting area for tours at Cadenhead’s whisky shop.
A licence has been granted for a ticketed tasting area for tours at Cadenhead’s whisky shop.

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